I fixed the rear brakes shoes, replaced almost 70% of all brake lines, fitted a Mad dat booster & brake master, got cutom brake lines made up for the new master....all that is left is my front brakes setup.
My good friend has been helping me with info and has helped me so much but
I am having trouble sourcing "Toyota hilux/4Runner/Surf calipers Years 79-90" I am aware that they need to have "S12+8" on the casting/engraved.
Does anyone know exactly what model has these calipers? or year? because been to pick & payless and multiple wreckers and they only have s13w or s13wb or s13wbr
ZIG - yeah its hell to drive! I really need to chop those rear shock bump stops into half or quaters and see what difference it makes, been real busy at work as of lately with the new year, been staying back till like 630ish everyday and get home so lazy haha
unf - it was free and it was dark at night so im not complaining lol
I will try pull out the shocks and cut the bumpstops in half today or monday at work and see if it makes any difference, then ill look at coupe shocks or something other to suit :)
The car paint is flaking to the original color, looks to be that someone has painted it without sanding down the old paint lol, the paint under the two tone has clear on it =\ and the inside of the doors like the a-pillar areas are painted with a paint brush haha, looks cool though, oldschool/ratsun look
yes the wheels will be painted in a later date, thinking blue/purple or even gold, im not sure yet, any ideas?
Yeah I haven't seen any rust on the car yet, however there is alot of BOG in the front gaurds and bottem of the doors, i assume there is rust on the car that has been covered up, but im not too worried at this point of time