Well the guy who was ever so keen to buy my coupe has mysteriously fallen off the planet. I have sent him several messages to say if be dose not get back to me by the end of this weekend that the coupe will be back on the market. It will still come with every thing except I have sold the l20b race engine and twin dellortos So the price will go down to $1000 drag away
I will keep finishing off the car untill it is either done or sold. But the more I do to the car the more money I will want for it.
Something has come up and I need to sell my coupe I will be selling it with everything What is there 2x a12 engines complete 1 needs rebuild 1x A series 4 speed. 1x l20b stock engine 1x l20b race engine in parts. Has spun Bering 1x reground cam. For l20b. 2 if you count the one with the race engine 1x stumpy stanza box 1x set twin dellortos and manifold. Needs linkages. The car is stripped and is I. Bare metal. Most of the rust has been removed. There are only two Small patches to be removed. It comes with brand new bonnet and guards Floor pans and chassis rails are very straight and clean. It will come with 13x7 rebels The l20b has been fitted to the car and engine mounts modified I fit it up with the long nose 5 speed however I will be selling it with the stanza box so mounting points For the gear box will need to be revised. All that is needed to finish the conversion is a tail shaft. The interior is rough but all there. I am asking $1500 no offers as I have priced this to sell Can include the wheels in the last photo for $700 Cheers Mick