Damn! You gotta be quick around here Nice score datogirl.
Posted on: 2009/6/18 8:48
'84 ute, A14 on LPG '72 Sedan Auto parts car ___________________________________________ "Something's rotten in the state of Pistolero" ___________________________________________
I'd suggest doing a celica 5 speed conversion. The initial conversion is expensive but you can easily source a replacement trans and get numerous aftermerket bits such as alterntate ratios/clusters etc. I've got two of the trannys, one cost me $40 and the other $210. Add to that the nice short, smooth shift and additional strength over a datto 5 speed. Just my 2 bob's worth.
Posted on: 2009/6/15 11:00
'84 ute, A14 on LPG '72 Sedan Auto parts car ___________________________________________ "Something's rotten in the state of Pistolero" ___________________________________________
They're a completely 100% brand new aftermarket item and the quality looks not too shabby. I've got one in front of me now I bought from weekend1000, will fit next w/e when I drop my new A14 in my ute, let you know how it goes Thanks again Mal.
Posted on: 2009/5/28 13:51
'84 ute, A14 on LPG '72 Sedan Auto parts car ___________________________________________ "Something's rotten in the state of Pistolero" ___________________________________________
They should have DHLA40 or DHLA45 cast into them near where they bolt to the inlet manifold.
Posted on: 2009/5/28 9:29
'84 ute, A14 on LPG '72 Sedan Auto parts car ___________________________________________ "Something's rotten in the state of Pistolero" ___________________________________________
I had a lime-green charger which was known as the Yellow Submarine Then A mustard 1200 coupe, known as "musty" but not because of the colour, but cos of the way the interior smelled!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My 12oo ute is just the Datto or the Uterus... Yeah I know... HOW ORIGINAL...
Posted on: 2009/5/21 10:34
'84 ute, A14 on LPG '72 Sedan Auto parts car ___________________________________________ "Something's rotten in the state of Pistolero" ___________________________________________
I'm doing mine at the moment and I used this diagram.
Posted on: 2009/5/14 8:35
'84 ute, A14 on LPG '72 Sedan Auto parts car ___________________________________________ "Something's rotten in the state of Pistolero" ___________________________________________
No luck yet mate. If you come across some drop me a line, I'll do the same! Pete.
Posted on: 2009/5/12 8:09
'84 ute, A14 on LPG '72 Sedan Auto parts car ___________________________________________ "Something's rotten in the state of Pistolero" ___________________________________________
'84 ute, A14 on LPG '72 Sedan Auto parts car ___________________________________________ "Something's rotten in the state of Pistolero" ___________________________________________
Check out www.ratsun.net heaps of 620 owners on here who'll give you the lowdown
Posted on: 2009/5/9 8:05
'84 ute, A14 on LPG '72 Sedan Auto parts car ___________________________________________ "Something's rotten in the state of Pistolero" ___________________________________________
Who'd use 2nd hand bolts on a Hi-Po engine anyway?
Posted on: 2009/5/9 7:56
'84 ute, A14 on LPG '72 Sedan Auto parts car ___________________________________________ "Something's rotten in the state of Pistolero" ___________________________________________