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Re: Wildcat VS Hurricane Header: Question of Quality
Quite a regular
2007/3/28 9:56
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Posts: 59
I realize it's almost a year later, I'm looking for the same as you Kirden so - Did you have success?
Is there another choice for my A15?
I'm running an H89 head with a pair of HIF-4 SU carbs and it all sits in an MG Midget (Soon to become an Arkley SS).

Posted on: 2015/1/23 17:39
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Fuel Economy with my A15 & 4speed
Quite a regular
2007/3/28 9:56
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Posts: 59
I had to install a Sigma bike speedo as the tunnel on my Midget doesn't allow enough room to connect up a speedo cable and I don't want to do any cutting right now!

Besides being able to tell just how fast I've been driving...

I also learned that adding up your trips in your head and calculating your fuel economy isn't incredibly accurate.

So I filled up this Tuesday and drove all week. With a couple side trips to the grocery store & whatever the trip meter said 137 miles as I pulled in to fill up this afternoon.

That's way more than I would have guessed, due to not really adding up all the little places I go during the week.

It took 4.3 gallons. (US gal.)

The Sigma also records top speed, for the week it was 78 mph.

So pretty much driving like a madman and taking a lot of little short trips I'm getting 31.86 mpg. I wonder how good it would be with a rebuilt Hitachi downdraft carby? I wonder how good it would be if I could drive 55?

The world may never know...

Posted on: 2008/7/25 22:11
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Re: A12 head on A14
Quite a regular
2007/3/28 9:56
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Posts: 59
I had to fill up again today.

Seems I have to do that every week - 6.6 gallons in a 7 gallon tank.

Gotta rebuild that carb, then maybe I can go ten days between fillings!

Posted on: 2008/7/2 17:18
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Re: A12 head on A14
Quite a regular
2007/3/28 9:56
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Posts: 59
Thanks very much ddgonzal - this will be of great help!!!

Posted on: 2008/6/29 3:21
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Re: A12 head on A14
Quite a regular
2007/3/28 9:56
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Posts: 59
I've bought a carb rebuild kit.
It's been a long long time since I've torn one apart, any pointers at all would be appreciated!

I drive around with the most sparse kit in the boot, and really no extra weight that isn't necessary.

As I said, the carb is really old & nasty looking - maybe it just really needs a refresh!

Posted on: 2008/6/29 2:54
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Re: A12 head on A14
Quite a regular
2007/3/28 9:56
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Posts: 59
Just about all my miles are on the freeway.
I never get above 25 mpg.

Posted on: 2008/6/28 22:53
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Re: A12 head on A14
Quite a regular
2007/3/28 9:56
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Posts: 59
Ah yes, that's what mine looks like (at least on the port side - I haven't had it off yet).

Should I be getting higher than mid twenties for mileage? I haven't been able to do better, but the Hitachi Downdraft is pretty old & thrashed.
My car only weighs about 1600 pounds!

Posted on: 2008/6/28 18:19
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Re: A15 bottom end with A12 head
Quite a regular
2007/3/28 9:56
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Posts: 59
Source an oval port head from an A14 or A15. To all intents & purposes they are the same. Overhaul it to ensure serviceability.

Source an aftermarket sidedraught manifold for this head type. They are not 'readily available' but they were made & can be found with a little diligence & patience.

Source suitable carb[s], fit carbs to manifold, fit manifold to head, fit head to engine & enjoy

Yes - that's what I'd like.
There are a few things I have to keep in mind...
As far as I know I haven't won the lottery, I have a big family and a finite bank account.

I can look for all these things, but I'm going to have to pick up a piece at a time when I can find them cheap and do the work (as much as possible) myself.

I'll go check my lottery numbers today, maybe I did win - who knows?

Posted on: 2008/6/8 19:09
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Re: A15 bottom end with A12 head
Quite a regular
2007/3/28 9:56
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Posts: 59
Thanks Dodgeman, I'll try that.
Ok, I have pretty much decided I will buy a replacement manifold of the same type I have now, hack it up and see if I can make my own sidedraft intake, if that seems like it will work then I'll pull my intake & put the 'new one' on and see if it runs.
At least it will be interesting, and if it doesn't work I can backtrack with my old setup.


Does anyone know of an air cleaner I can put on the Hitachi downdraft that uses less than 1.5 inches of space above the carb?

Posted on: 2008/6/8 18:48
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Re: A15 bottom end with A12 head
Quite a regular
2007/3/28 9:56
Registered Users
Posts: 59
Yeah - but so far I've only found the 'wrong' ones.

There's another guy I know who has an A15 in his LBC (little British car) - a bugeye sprite - he has a spare old intake manifold. I want to see if the one he has is also the round port as he has offered it to me.

Posted on: 2008/6/8 18:16
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