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Re: Go The Datto!
Home away from home
2007/10/28 20:41
From Cambria, California
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Posts: 532
No, it wasn't Photoshopped, and yes, maybe the Mustang was thru the first turn by the time my 1200 got to the start line. I wound up on the pole in a random draw to set the field for practice race starts at VARA's driving school weekend. Excellent learning experience and great fun!

Posted on: 2024/2/8 5:46
'73 1200 coupe vintage racecar
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Go The Datto!
Home away from home
2007/10/28 20:41
From Cambria, California
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Posts: 532
Not something you'll see on any given day...Stan's 1200 leading the field from the pole position, and drag racing a Shelby Mustang to the green flag at Buttonwillow Raceway!

Attach file:

png  Go The Datto.png (199.04 KB)
9311_65bfed2a115fc.png 696X131 px

Posted on: 2024/2/4 20:05
'73 1200 coupe vintage racecar
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Re: 'Sunny' alloy rocker cover at auction
Home away from home
2007/10/28 20:41
From Cambria, California
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Posts: 532
Beautiful alloy covers! I prefer a two-piece flavor, as whittled up by's resident CAD/CAM genius, mattndew76, for my race engine. It's a bit taller (to clear roller rockers, if I can ever find them) and the two piece design makes those 'do-to-the-point-of-OCD' pre-race valve lash adjustments a breeze. No oil running down the side of the block, no scraping off the old cover gasket, no fiddling with getting that decades old NOS cover gasket to seal. Matt machined male/female mating grooves into the top/bottom halves to assist locating and sealing them. I liked the 'as-cast' finish over the highly polished version and I had him machine the top smooth so I have a place to apply a Powered By Briggs & Stratton decal.

Attach file:

jpg  Engine Resized.jpg (195.64 KB)
9311_6566425dada42.jpg 1920X1080 px

jpg  Rocker Cover Resized.jpg (188.58 KB)
9311_656643f81aa6d.jpg 1920X1080 px

Posted on: 2023/11/28 19:47
'73 1200 coupe vintage racecar
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Comp Oil Pan Capacity
Home away from home
2007/10/28 20:41
From Cambria, California
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Posts: 532
I haven't been able to come up with the oil capacity spec for the NISMO competition fabricated steel oil pan. Anyone have any data to share? Thanks!

Posted on: 2023/5/4 20:43
'73 1200 coupe vintage racecar
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Re: Time Trial Track day Video
Home away from home
2007/10/28 20:41
From Cambria, California
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Posts: 532
Nifty looking laser cut shift pattern bolted to the dash also! Where can I get an F5C56A version of this?

Posted on: 2023/2/21 1:28
'73 1200 coupe vintage racecar
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Re: 1973 B110 works racer with DOHC engine
Home away from home
2007/10/28 20:41
From Cambria, California
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Posts: 532
Wow. Stunning bit of 1200 kit! Was this ever FIA homologated, or was it for JDM series racing only? Dream find: (if I was absurdly rich instead of devilishly handsome) Procure one of these kits, 3d scan it, create CAD files of the original, produce 'continuation' versions for the 1200 aficionados around the globe. (for a price, of course...)

Posted on: 2023/2/21 1:25
'73 1200 coupe vintage racecar
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Re: Time Trial Track day Video
Home away from home
2007/10/28 20:41
From Cambria, California
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Posts: 532
Amazing video showing the massive torque of Tom's A12 powerplant consistently overpowering the tires he has under it. Reminds me of the Porsche 917-30 CanAm racer...the lads had to dial down the hp and still the driver could spin it's massive steamroller tires at will, in any gear, at any speed. Go Pokey!

Posted on: 2023/2/20 1:10
'73 1200 coupe vintage racecar
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Re: My Latest Race.
Home away from home
2007/10/28 20:41
From Cambria, California
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Posts: 532
Viva Scuderia Pokey!
From the way that shifter is flopping about, it looks like Pokey is a candidate for a MadDat short throw shifter kit.

Posted on: 2022/5/30 1:10
'73 1200 coupe vintage racecar
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Re: Harada oval port intake manifold
Home away from home
2007/10/28 20:41
From Cambria, California
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Posts: 532
Jeeze Louise...I'd love to have this brand spankin' new oval port intake/linkage to replace my baling wire & duct taped old one, but my Mikuni carbs (40s) are not the identical twin versions that work with this intake/linkage, but rather the rarer mirror image carbs where the throttle shafts exit on opposite ends of each carburetor. Dang. Foiled again.

Posted on: 2022/2/4 1:11
'73 1200 coupe vintage racecar
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Re: orange 1971 Coupe race car - Oxard, California USA
Home away from home
2007/10/28 20:41
From Cambria, California
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Posts: 532
Oh mah gawd...this is the long lost, world famous Hanjin Dozo Bonneville land speed record car! Please tell me this is still available! It absolutely needs to be enshrined in the Datsun 1200 Hall of Fame!

Posted on: 2021/12/23 0:27
'73 1200 coupe vintage racecar
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