Re: datsun 1200 ute that im looking at selling |
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Joined: 2008/2/16 5:49
From Rockhampton QLD
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hey everyone who wants me to send them info i cant do it at the moment coz the pics are on my computer and im not home but ill send yas all pics and that most likely tomorrow morning and im looking at somewhere between 2 and 3 grand but just make a offer i need to get as much as possible cause what i get for this will go towards another datto hopefully.
Posted on: 2009/5/8 7:21
datsun 1200 ute that im looking at selling |
Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2008/2/16 5:49
From Rockhampton QLD
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hey i mite b selling my datsun 1200 ute its in alrite condition and theres only a few little things that it will need for a roadworthy or itd be great for a project car. im located in rockhampton its a 1985 model its yellow and it still has the stock a12 motor and the motors been rebuilt aswell. if anyones interested just pm me or email me and ill send u some pics and tell you anything that you want to know. And im just taking offers at the moment aswell.
Posted on: 2009/5/7 10:16
Re: thinking of selling my 1200 ute |
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Joined: 2008/2/16 5:49
From Rockhampton QLD
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if anyone wants some pics or wants some more info just let me know and ill tell u.
Posted on: 2009/3/20 9:08
thinking of selling my 1200 ute |
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Joined: 2008/2/16 5:49
From Rockhampton QLD
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hey im thinking of selling my 1200 ute and i was just wondering wat people reckon i should sell it for. its 1985 model its had an engine rebuild b4 i bought it and its only been ran about an hour all up since ive had it, it isnt registered but theres only a few little things like ball joints a speedo cable and there is a couple of other little things but i cant think of them at the moment. the body's pretty straight and the interiors in good condition but the trays a bit rough. and i would put pics up but i dont know how to.
Posted on: 2009/3/20 6:50
Re: feeler gauge measurements? |
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Joined: 2008/2/16 5:49
From Rockhampton QLD
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thanx but yea its rite now i figured it out
Posted on: 2009/3/6 5:59
Re: Datsun 1200 UTE parts |
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Joined: 2008/2/16 5:49
From Rockhampton QLD
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hey mate have u still got those parts?
Posted on: 2009/3/6 3:19
feeler gauge measurements? |
Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2008/2/16 5:49
From Rockhampton QLD
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when someone says 2 thou for the gap for feeler guage does that mean that its 0.02?
Posted on: 2009/3/6 3:12
Re: does anyone have a pic of the wiring of the back of the insturment cluster? |
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Joined: 2008/2/16 5:49
From Rockhampton QLD
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ok then thanx for that
Posted on: 2009/2/26 8:42
Re: does anyone have a pic of the wiring of the back of the insturment cluster? |
Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2008/2/16 5:49
From Rockhampton QLD
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ritio then i just emailed you with it then and marked were it comes out
Posted on: 2009/2/26 5:58
Re: does anyone have a pic of the wiring of the back of the insturment cluster? |
Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2008/2/16 5:49
From Rockhampton QLD
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the pic has everything i needed. but i just went and fixed that problem and then i found another wire that i dont know were it goes. but its a red wire with a male end on it and its only about 5cm long i guess give or take a lil. if you want i can send u a email with the pic and ill mark were it comes out? i dunno how to put pics up on here
Posted on: 2009/2/26 5:25