Re: theoritically, what times would a ute with 300hp run? |
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Joined: 2008/3/26 8:56
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there are far too many variables apart from the fact how well you drive it. I think the best way is take it to the track and run it. Oh and jamb the gas up its arse for good measure.
Posted on: 2008/4/18 22:04
Re: theoritically, what times would a ute with 300hp run? |
Quite a regular 
Joined: 2008/3/26 8:56
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Its obvious tou are just pissin in the wind otherwise you would have clarified yourself to all the responses you got...
Posted on: 2008/4/18 6:40
Jeff Taylor head |
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Has any one heard of these its on an A14 worked bottom end . Are these supposed to be ok ...
Posted on: 2008/4/15 21:03
Re: Wat Fuel |
Quite a regular 
Joined: 2008/3/26 8:56
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Oh good #### so I dont have to worry bout valves burning out and that crap. Cheers thats good news. ps . Im from the sunny coast QLD...
Posted on: 2008/4/15 7:51
Wat Fuel |
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Its been a while since i last played with old school motors. The car Im buying has a worked A14. Wat seems to be the go for fuel wat fuels are people running and are you guys just adding valve lube to every tank. I dont know wat valves have been put into the head. cheers
Posted on: 2008/4/15 7:08
Re: fuel injection |
Quite a regular 
Joined: 2008/3/26 8:56
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must have been a pretty competitive car. Do they run certain classes so that no one can just buy a cheap ca front cut and stick it in a coupe and be competitive with something that has had a lot of effort and money put into like this fine example.
Posted on: 2008/4/12 9:15
Re: fuel injection |
Quite a regular 
Joined: 2008/3/26 8:56
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Well thats freakon impressive. Wat car and wat purpose (eg. track or street). Once again awsome, wat other things have you done in order for this to be reliable.
Posted on: 2008/4/12 8:15
Re: SR20DET in a 1200 or B310. Overkill ?? |
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Why not go the revier stronger ca or fj rather than the sr...If your gonna rebuild a motor why not go the better one from the start.. Just a question not wanting to offend anyone with an sr.
Posted on: 2008/4/12 3:30
Re: 1/4 mile time log. |
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Joined: 2008/3/26 8:56
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2bar boost thats a crap load of boost impressive yes how long it will last who knows!!!!
Posted on: 2008/4/12 3:18
fuel injection |
Quite a regular 
Joined: 2008/3/26 8:56
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wat sort of power gains are people achieving with their fuel injected a series motors over twin side draughts. Or is it just better fuel economy with similar power. And wat sort of $$$ would the conversion cost...
Posted on: 2008/4/12 1:34