71 Model 1200 Coupe For Sale.
Has just had rust repairs done professionally by a top mate and qualified panel beater.
Really good Floors, Sills, Boot Section.
Shaved Boot Lock And Petrol Flap Lock With Release Levers.
All Floors Wire Brushed And Painted In Black Kill Rust Enamel Whole Car Fish Oiled.
A14 4 speed 56A with home made unfinished but fitted gearbox cross member.
Originally An Auto.
Brand New 195/50/15 Nexen tyre's on TRX Rims.
Bluebird struts with stanza booster.
HQ Holden radiator with custom overflow and Thermo fan
H4 headlights With Relay Wired in Work great.
Real good Coupe dash but has had stereo hole cut by a past owner.
Re Made MDF and Recovered Door Trims And Quarter Trims In Grey Velor.
Has Custom Made Scuff Plates & kick Panels
Back seat is modified( By trimmers) Telstar GHIA Seat, Folds Forward.
Now Includes some fitted Grey Subaru Bucket seats very nice on 1200 seat runners.
Some Spares like Door Glass and Rear Quarter glass.
Have mostly all the plastic lining for the boot but it has cracks here and there.
Needs Finishing Off And Would Be Nice Resprayed.
Does Not Include steering wheel In picture, Will have a Grey and Black One in It Same Style.
Car is going and drivable, No Rego.
Call Andrew On 0405748798
Or PM Me, Realistic Offers Only Please
Otherwise will store it.