Well this is it, we are going to leave Yahoo clubs and go independent! More responsability but much more freedom to make it an even better club. After 3 years in yahoo we have almost 500 members and a club full of life and knowledge. We hope that this new club will help organize all that knowledge and bring together even more people that love the old datto.
We've been a bit busy on other fields (myself professionaly, and my bro with the job, house and a marriage next 15/2 (wrong order!)) but we still some fresh ideas for the club (litle time to implement it, but we will do it!) Here are some the things we are working on:
- World datto 1200 Registry (with monthly featured car) - Merchadise (stickers, hats, t-shirts...) - Regional Clubs (pt, au, nz, us...) --- Not mini-datsun1200.com but old style clubs (meetings and stuff) - Maybe some thing special for our 5th anniversary (Nov 27 2003) (Any ideas? worldwide meeting?)
daniel and pedro
ps: I'm a bit late with some of the managing bits of the club, it should be all updated this couple weeks.
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Yep agreed..youve done very well Daniel and Thankyou!! We should revive some of those classic threads and photos that have made this site memorable. I think Daniel should judge the person who started best thread and uploaded photo on the site and give him a datsun1200.com mug!!