Speed Meter (スピード メーター), Tachometer], Clock, etc.
Also see B210 Tachometer
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Round vs Rectangular
B210 GX came with round gauges
The PB210 Sedan GX and all Coupes used a sport instrument cluster with individual guages
Standard gauge set was rectangular, including PB210 Sedan DX and Sedan GL
For rectangle gauge dash, the large meters (clock, tachometer and speedometer) differ RHD vs LHD. They are almost the same but mount at slight angles, so the cases differ. Discussion: 120y b210 factory tacho meter (US LHD model)
The small gauges (e.g. small clock) are same RHD and LHD.
North America came with 120mph
Canada late came with dual-scale KPH/mph USA late came with dual-scale MPH/kph
B210 & HB210 came with 160 kph
180 kph speedometer
B210 GX sedan B210 GX coupe PB210 ALL * square Sedan DX, GL * round Sedab GX, all Coupe
SQUARE SPEEDOMETER ASSY early 24850-H5000 (Max 160km, Red zone 140km) SMDX, V.STD 24850-H5001 (Max 160km, Red zone 140km) (from '75-4) SMDX, V.STD 24850-H5010 (Max 160km, Red zone 140km) (trip meter) S.DX,GL V.DX,SPDX 24850-H5011 (Max 160km, Red zone 140km) (trip meter) (from '75-4) late 24850-H5001 V.SMDX 24850-H5011 V.DX,SPDX 24850-H7400 STR [STD 4-speed 2-dr] 24850-H7405 S.A12.DX,GL S.A14.GL.MT 24850-H7905 S.L16.GL S.A14.AT
ROUND SPEEDOMETER ASSY early 24850-H5500 (Max 160km, Red zone 140km) K.DX,GL 24850-H5501 (Max 160km, Red zone 140km) (from '75-4) K.DX,GL 24850-H5700 (Max 180km, Red zone 150km) GX 24850-H5701 (Max 180km, Red zone 150km) (from '75-4) GX * H57 also used by PB210 S.GX and all PB210 coupes late 24850-H7415 S.A14.GX K.A12,A14.MT 24850-H7905 L16(except Sedan GL) K.A14.AT
NOTE: GB211 is L16-powered B210
North America
24855-H6200 ASSY-TACHOMETER OP -0775 24855-H7200 ASSY-TACHOMETER OP 0875- 25007-H6100 MASK-TACHOMETER
Small clock - OPTION - H50 types same as JDM27380-H7211 ASSY-CLOCK,SMALL TYPE (K.S.) FOR SERVICE OP 0875- 27380-H5016 ASSY-CLOCK,SMALL TYPE (K.S.) <> 27380-H5015 27380-H5001 ASSY-CLOCK,SMALL TYPE (JECO) 25005-H5015 MASK-CLOCK,SMALL TYPE 24043-H7400 CABLE-CLOCK,SMALL TYPE 0875- Large clock - OPTION 27380-H7206 ASSY-CLOCK,LARGE TYPE (K.S.) FOR SERVICE 0875- 27380-H7200 ASSY-CLOCK,LARGE TYPE (CITIZEN) 0875- 27380-H6100 ASSY-CLOCK,LARGE TYPE (JECO) 27380-H6110 ASSY-CLOCK,LARGE TYPE (CITIZEN) 27380-H6115 ASSY-CLOCK,LARGE TYPE (K.S.)
round gauge (maru 丸 型) - Sedan GX, Coupe DX, Coupe GL, Coupe GX
24850-H5700 SPEEDOMETER ASS'Y (Max 180 km, Red zone 150km) 24850-H5701 SPEEDOMETER ASS'Y (Max 180 km, Red zone 150km)(from '75-4) * H57 also used by B210 GX 24850-H7915 SPEEDOMETER ASS'Y (Max 180 km, Red zone 150km)(from '75-10) Coupe GX 27380-H5600 CLOCK ASS'Y-A (JECO ジエコー) Coupe GL, OP Coupe DX <> 27380-H5610![]()
27380-H5610 CLOCK ASS'Y-A (Citizen シチズン) (from '73-10) Coupe GL, OP Coupe DX 27380-H5615 CLOCK ASS'Y-A (from '75-10) Coupe GX 27380-H5700 CLOCK ASS'Y-B [small type] (JECO) GX, OP Coupe DX, Coupe GL 27380-H5715 CLOCK ASS'Y-B [small type] (from '73-10) <> 27380-H5700 27380-H5716 CLOCK ASS'Y-B [small type] (from '75-11) <> 27380-H5715 25005-H5500 MASK-clock [small type] Coupe DX,GL 24855-H5700 TACHOMETER GX 24855-H5500 TACHOMETER OP Coupe DX,GL 24855-H7410 TACHOMETER (from '75-10) OP Coupe GX 25007-H5500 MASK-tachometer Coupe DX 24845-H5500 METER ASS'Y-ampere 24870-H5500 GAUGE ASS'Y-oil pressure 25031-H7400 VOLT METER (from '75-10) Coupe GX 25510-H5600 KIT CALENDAR (from '75-10) OP Coupe GX 25035-H5600 KIT ALTIMETER (from '75-10) OP Coupe GX
rectangle gauge (kaku 角 型) - Sedan DX, Sedan GL
24850-H5800 SPEEDOMETER ASS'Y (Max 180 km, Red zone 150km)(trip meter) 24850-H5801 SPEEDOMETER ASS'Y (Max 180 km, Red zone 150km)(trip meter)(from '75-4) 27380-H5100 CLOCK ASS'Y-A [large type] (JECO) Sedan GL, OP DX 27380-H5110 CLOCK ASS'Y-A [large type] (JECO) (from '73-10) <> 27380-H5100 27380-H5115 CLOCK ASS'Y-A [large type] (JECO) (from '75-10) 27380-H5001 CLOCK ASS'Y-B [small type] (JECO) OP DX, GL 27380-H5011 CLOCK ASS'Y-B [small type] (from '73-10) <> 27380-H5001 27380-H5016 CLOCK ASS'Y-B [small type] (from '75-11) <> 27380-H5011 25005-H5000 MASK-clock [small type,'S' (clock delete)] 24855-H5000 TACHOMETER OP DX,GL 24800-H5000 TACHOMETER OP DX,GL 25031-H5101 VOLT METER (from '75-10) OP GX 25511-H5100 CALENDAR (from '75-10) OP GX24855-H7400 TACHOMETER (from '75-10) OP GX 25007-H5000 MASK-tachometer 'SUNNY' DX