Yards with online inventory checking
- Pick-N-Pull
- http://www.picknpull.com/check_inventory.aspx?Address=94553&Lat=37.9873593&Lng=-122.1518970&Make=Datsun&Model=210&Distance=25000
- Western states: CA, OR, WA, NV, AZ, and BC
- TIP: search for 210, also for B210 as they have them entered mixed up!
- http://www.fredsusedparts.com/inventory.php
- 1981 and newer
- http://www.picapartyard.com/CAR_inventory.aspx
- Pennsylvania, few old models
- U-Pull-&-Pay Colorado, New Mexica, Ohio and Florida
- http://www.upullandpay.com/Locations/albuquerque/Search.aspx
- New Mexico usually has a few 210/B210
- Florida has a few