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pb2620 |
Posted: 2009/1/7 20:57 Updated: 2009/1/7 20:57 |
Just popping in   Joined: 2009/1/7 From: queanbo Posts: 3 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! yea lol peter prick. me and a mate were taking photos of it for my computer and he rode up on his bike and me and my mate were like yea right? and he took two photos.
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perthute |
Posted: 2009/1/7 22:13 Updated: 2009/1/7 22:13 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2006/5/5 From: perth airport Posts: 5432 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! just to start i better say i respect our soldiers , but most of the time not the wars they fight , with afghanistan /middle east to start with 911 was planned buy the us gov to start a war , to sucure oil , now they have the sheep's approval ( filter'd media ) , most of the high people in gov have a vested intrest in the was eg bill clinton is a arms dealer , dick chanie is the ceo of helliborton ( spelling?) they provide food water ect ect to the solders, eva wonder why there president forks out millions of dollars out of his/her own pocket in the campain for a jod that will neva pay it but ? now the war is just about gettin a oil line from caspian sea , when will the war beover when the oil line is done , i have 2 mates that are over there and they know its a load of ####, sorry for off topic plz pm me with a reply if you want Whorida :)
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Whorida |
Posted: 2009/1/8 0:13 Updated: 2009/1/8 0:13 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2005/3/30 From: Far, far away Posts: 959 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! Respect to you mate for standing up, saying you did it, and showing you understand what 'Remembrance' means.
As for Peter Pick, still gutless. He didn't say anything to you or your mate? Not even a polite 'you probably shouldn't be doing that'?
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wolki101 |
Posted: 2009/1/11 6:47 Updated: 2009/1/11 6:47 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2006/11/18 From: ACT Aus Posts: 940 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! hey guys, sorry about digging up an oldish thread but i just found out that this site doesn't actually have anything do with war at all, rather it is for aboriginal remembrance and other aboriginal related issues. here's a link explaining the whole area for those interested, http://www.architectureaustralia.com/aa/aaissue.php?issueid=200209&article=16&typeon=2
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ZigZag |
Posted: 2009/1/11 6:53 Updated: 2009/1/11 6:53 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2008/6/4 From: Rosewood, QLD Posts: 2534 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! hahaha good work Wolki
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pb2620 |
Posted: 2009/1/7 12:30 Updated: 2009/1/7 12:30 |
Just popping in   Joined: 2009/1/7 From: queanbo Posts: 3 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! wooow thats my car! i didnt realise it was a rememberance walk. i didnt mean any disrepect. my parent are both x army and my father served in vietnam. that actually a huge shock to me! finding it funny tho that it was in the paper
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Tommy |
Posted: 2009/1/7 18:24 Updated: 2009/1/7 18:24 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2003/7/4 From: Wamboin near ACT(canberra) Posts: 878 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! wow, the man himself, lol, dude i alos didnt realise its a rememberance walk, i have taken car shots down there on more than one occasion!!! Now give us a run down on peter pick???
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revhead001 |
Posted: 2009/1/7 20:06 Updated: 2009/1/7 20:06 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2008/3/15 From: Melbourne Posts: 2742 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! At least take solace in the fact that the young lads in question taking photo's are at least showing enough respect to not damage the area. That is a rare enough thing in the 21st century.
And as it turns out. It is 'Rememberence Walk' Young lads who have done this to date have something to remember their pride and joy with. Not at all on the same level as those that have served and died for the freedoms that we all take for granted everyday.
Young lads and ladys will continue to do this. If they make it illegal... More people will do it. No point bitching and griping about it as it will continue to happen unless you guard it youself 24/7.
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whoridas_girl |
Posted: 2009/1/6 12:07 Updated: 2009/1/6 12:07 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2005/6/21 From: Schofields Posts: 1577 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! i'm with luke on this one.
If ANYONE of these people had ANY respect whatsoever for those fallen in battle - past and present - they would not park their cars there and go snap happy with a camera.
They have no respect for the fallen, and therefore command absolutely no repsect in any shape or form from me. Whether a datsun owner or otherwise.
Until they serve in the Defence Force and put themselves on the front line or some other form of position whether fighting or otherwise they can bugger off with their cars have learn to have some G'Damn respect. We have a free country for a reason, and these people have no problem disrespecting those that made it a free country.
I am absolutely disgusted by people that do this type of thing..not just in canberra but everywhere.
It may make a good pic but that is no reason to do what they are doing where they are doing it.
I am shamed to have to call these people my countrymen and fellow Australians.
Remember for those of you that have or are thinking of taking your cars to Rembrance Walk for happy Snaps of your cars, i am so ashamed to call you my fellow australian and have no respect from me..Regardless of your age, you should all give the Walk the G'damn respect it commands.
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Tommy |
Posted: 2009/1/6 19:11 Updated: 2009/1/6 19:11 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2003/7/4 From: Wamboin near ACT(canberra) Posts: 878 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! To be completely honest, Reading that article was the first time i realised it was a rememberance walk, theres nothing there that indicates it is, and thats why many people go down there, not realising. The thing i find funny, is peter pick, the undercover investigator, and pretending he was admiring there datsun
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revhead001 |
Posted: 2009/1/6 19:46 Updated: 2009/1/6 19:46 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2008/3/15 From: Melbourne Posts: 2742 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! I think that it is good that he has had a bit of a whinge. Now all the local lads know where there is a good place to photograph their car. Then the grafitti will start.
It's just lucky that He didn't Peter Pick a Pack of Pickled Pissheads!!
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perthute |
Posted: 2009/1/6 21:29 Updated: 2009/1/6 21:29 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2006/5/5 From: perth airport Posts: 5432 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! hahaha more cry baby's wats wrong with parking a car there to get some photo's its to hurting anyone/anything its a lot better than some ho bo bum pass'd out in there
if they dropp'd a skid then yea beat the daylight out of em
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Whorida |
Posted: 2009/1/6 23:13 Updated: 2009/1/6 23:13 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2005/3/30 From: Far, far away Posts: 959 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! Ahhh...there are the responses I was refering to, I'd say I'm disgusted but my expectations were low. I'm glad Tommy had the decency to actually state he had no idea what it was, sounds a tad remorseful to me, which I respect.
Unfortunately, to the current generation giving one's life to their country and countrymen means little. ANZAC day has little meaning to most than a day off to get pissed, and many wouldn't even know what Remembrance day was at all.
Todays society either is totally self-centred or too gutless to stand up for what they believe in.
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ZigZag |
Posted: 2009/1/6 23:59 Updated: 2009/1/6 23:59 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2008/6/4 From: Rosewood, QLD Posts: 2534 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! i think ould be a different story if they were doing skids and tagging the place... i think everyone so far has shown at least some form of respect because the place has been kept clean and free of skids/tags.
my grandfather was a pilot in WW2, my father fought in Vietnam, my cousin has been to Iraq, Afghanistan and Timor several time and i myself should be joining the Air Force this year if all goes to plan and i dont really see a problem with a few pics being taken as long as they show respect by keeping the place free of skids/tags/rubbish.
i think this artical will now has an adverse effect on the place.
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wolki101 |
Posted: 2009/1/7 0:05 Updated: 2009/1/7 0:05 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2006/11/18 From: ACT Aus Posts: 940 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! i can't see any reason why it is disrespectful to park a car in there and take some photos, or are you saying taking photos in general is being disrespectful? i didn't know it was a remembrance walk either, but i'll still take my car there for a picture.
and don't worry about this article showing everyone where the spot is, they've all already got a picture there.
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Whorida |
Posted: 2009/1/7 1:06 Updated: 2009/1/7 1:06 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2005/3/30 From: Far, far away Posts: 959 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! Wolki, is that a serious question?
Anyways, I am in the Air Force and I too have had family fight in meaningful wars, and I personally find it offensive parking a car in there for personal gratification.
This is nothing personal, just a bit of dismay from a cultural perspective. If you look at it from another point of view it gives more people reason to look down on Datto and modified car enthusiasts in general.
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perthute |
Posted: 2009/1/7 1:35 Updated: 2009/1/7 1:35 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2006/5/5 From: perth airport Posts: 5432 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! meaningful wars ? name one
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hotrocket |
Posted: 2009/1/7 2:15 Updated: 2009/1/7 2:15 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2007/12/20 From: Nyngan, nsw Australia Posts: 2376 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! Quote: meaningful wars ? name one idio !!! nice pic bling bling.........
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perthute |
Posted: 2009/1/7 5:19 Updated: 2009/1/7 5:19 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2006/5/5 From: perth airport Posts: 5432 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! every war i can think of we just follow usa into other people's #### fights
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2QK4U |
Posted: 2009/1/7 5:26 Updated: 2009/1/7 5:26 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2005/4/19 From: Gold Coast, Australia Posts: 744 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! the pic was good enough to make the paper! i like it!
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Whorida |
Posted: 2009/1/7 7:10 Updated: 2009/1/7 7:10 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2005/3/30 From: Far, far away Posts: 959 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! Quote: meaningful wars ? name one World War II, or do you think that was pointless? Even The Great War had meaning to it. I agree calling war meaningful may have been a poor choice of words, but the fact is both these wars served purpose. Maybe you should read up on a bit of history if you think we just follow the US blindly. Are you suggesting Afghanistan is a mistake and we and the US are there for no reason? And before people jump on it I said AFGHANISTAN, not the Middle East. And Hotrocket, idiot (or idio)? Yeah, your call, is that the most intelligent retort you have. Perthute is debating a legitimate point at least.
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steveo |
Posted: 2009/1/7 8:01 Updated: 2009/1/7 8:01 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2003/10/13 From: newcastle, NSW Posts: 1691 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! getting back on topic,
Looks like the old YAJOKN ute, going by the custom front apron that holds the intercooler. that was recently on ebay from memory.
It's a tough call if even the locals didn't know that it was a memorial, but i'm getting into the politics of it all.
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Gspec |
Posted: 2009/1/7 8:51 Updated: 2009/1/7 8:51 |
Just popping in   Joined: 2007/8/7 From: Melbourne Posts: 19 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! As said earlier, if they didn't know it was a remeberance walk then fair enough.
There are, however, people that seem to not "understand" how it is disrespectfull or "harmfull" to others.
Its very hard to explain this concept to people that can't understand.
War memorials, like graves, are place of quite respect. Using such places for personal gain or pleasure is a show of disrespect. You must ask yourself how you might feel if "Peter Prick", for example, used a graves site of a person you care about as a prop for his personal gain or enjoyment. It degrades the consept of remembering and respecting those who we may not know, who gave so much for us to be who we are.
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dazza1200 |
Posted: 2009/1/7 10:16 Updated: 2009/1/7 10:16 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2008/1/30 From: perth Posts: 721 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! any war your family members die in would be meaningful its a war memorial and thats it
some ass#oles knocked over a heap of headstones in geraldton on the weekend. some things are off limits.
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Tommy |
Posted: 2009/1/7 11:13 Updated: 2009/1/7 11:13 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2003/7/4 From: Wamboin near ACT(canberra) Posts: 878 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! one thing i find rather interesting, is each year they hold a massive music festival right at the front of this. thousands turn up, and the place gets trashed, grass destroyed, and people hang out in this tunnel. now obviously who ever organises this festival either doesnt know its a memorial, like myself, or doesnt care...
Another funny comment i read on another forum:
Pretty pathetic he couldn't note his dismay at the time. Hope he had a good pull over "dobbing on the naughty youngins". Be some quiet friendless Public Servant in a brown cardigan who was probably hoping to come across a young couple in a lovers embrace to turn himself on and was pissed it was only boys taking pics of their car. End rant on social outcast lol
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ZigZag |
Posted: 2009/1/6 10:51 Updated: 2009/1/6 10:51 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2008/6/4 From: Rosewood, QLD Posts: 2534 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!!
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wolki101 |
Posted: 2009/1/6 10:53 Updated: 2009/1/6 10:53 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2006/11/18 From: ACT Aus Posts: 940 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! ingenious peter lol, like he's some mastermind undercover detective. how recent was this article? because if they only just picked up on it they're a bit slow, nearly every modded car in canberra has a pic here.
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Tommy |
Posted: 2009/1/6 10:59 Updated: 2009/1/6 10:59 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2003/7/4 From: Wamboin near ACT(canberra) Posts: 878 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! LOL,its from today,january 6th. man they could have at least taken the P plate of, would have made a better photo, if they knew it was been published
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Whorida |
Posted: 2009/1/6 11:48 Updated: 2009/1/6 11:48 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2005/3/30 From: Far, far away Posts: 959 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!! I can already envision the response from some members but....have some respect!!! It's Remembrance Walk for a reason. In this country 'Remebrance' is not a term bandied about lightly.
My great shame with this article is Peter was a tad gutless and didn't tell certain people to pull their heads in on the spot, much truer to the 'Remembrance' spirit than bandying about taking pics on the sly and tattle-taling to the local media.
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Tommy |
Posted: 2009/1/6 10:47 Updated: 2009/1/6 10:47 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2003/7/4 From: Wamboin near ACT(canberra) Posts: 878 |
 Re: Canberra times datsun complaint, CHECK THIS OUT!!