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Wattage |
Posted: 2006/6/30 3:56 Updated: 2006/6/30 3:56 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2002/11/13 From: Portland, Vic Posts: 221 |
 Re: clutch master Guys,
Does anyone knwow what this master cylinder is off? I have asked Luke, but he is unsure. Apparently it is a motorbike item. I just like the way it's neat and small, and has a tapped hole for a brass fitting.
Unfortunately, I don't have any room in the engine bay for a master cylinder.
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datsik |
Posted: 2006/11/15 6:25 Updated: 2006/11/15 6:25 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2003/6/11 From: Perth Austarlia Posts: 295 |
 Re: clutch master that is NOT of a bike...looks like a standard19mm cylinder with a tapped end to fit the brass fitting. Bugger....looks a whole heap neater than my effort.
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dattoman_1000 |
Posted: 2006/11/15 11:16 Updated: 2006/11/15 11:16 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2002/8/11 From: Perth Posts: 2692 |
 Re: clutch master Its actually a Girling "claypipe" master You can get them in 5/8 and 3/4 easily and sometimes .7" if you look hard enough Usually a 5/8 for clutch applications Worth about $70 Threads are 3/8 unf for pipe outlet and 7/16 unc for fluid in