Ahhh the storyteller crys a river again.
ahhh fact is Flynn and Wayne have told me their version of the story.
ahhh fact is Flynn is recovering from a heart attack ( never said frail and sick )
What happens to oneself when they have a heart attack.
ahhh fact is flynns mind thinks its still 20 years ago.
ahhh fact is Wayne runs the show and Flynn holds the fort while Wayne does the banking.
Guess its bad luck to them you visited when you did.
I really like how you fabricate emails of all kinds, from me, from other members and use them to back up stories, pitty its only you who see these so called emails.
Are you gonna so call cut and paste any as evidence? If so, remember when your typing them up, to back date them so they look real.
"pretending friendship" I will get on to that one later.
I did send you emails about Flynn's and VB10 and B20 rear floors and prices and crushing cars and how I talked Wayne into not crushing any. I also mentioned it in forum posts.
Please dont adlib anyparts of my emails in your stories.
You have told your story now, thats fair enough, I cant prove you wrong with internet stories. The proof is in the pudding to those who visit Flynn's.
Be sure to always stop in and say high to Flynn and Wayne when you pass through town dodgeman.
Now " Pretending friendship "
I ask datsun1200.com be wary of this person. Friendship offers mean he gets something out of it. How many members have helped you in your efforts for parts? How many members do you always without fail try and correct posts to show more knowledge/wiser etc (eg, is it the diff pumpkin, housing, assembley or third member). Which members do you skip doing this too? Surely you would like you so called friends to be more knowledgable and textbook also.
In the past you have said that you have given me second chances at your friendship and I have abused you once again.
Was the second chance because you wanted your car's electrics wired by auto electrician who is a fellow datsun lover? Was your second chance at friendship an attempt to get a good price.
Was this second chance revoked because I said I was to busy and not interested in doing anymore rewires?
Or did all these things just coincide with my wishing to pretend friendship and follow with abuse. My guess is its just coincidence.
Throughout all of this, when you wanted hubbies ( oh sorry Wheelcovers) did I not offer to give you some I had for free?
When you wanted headrests ( oh sorry Neck supports during an accident ) Did I not notify you off a pair I had and offer them to you for free?
Were you to big of a man to accept things that you really wanted, just because I was offering them?
Pretender You or Me?
Feel free to return bitch about how I seem to fight with everyone. But before you do, ask yourself, Who is being real and treating everyone the same and Who is pretending.
You are full of it. You are a conman. You befriend people for personal advantage. You storytell. And it is also evident that you need to show people how knowledgeable you are, to give yourself good self esteem.
Looks like your Resume is a fullhouse under the cover.
By the way, you did add your childish comment to start this even after not being around for a month or two.
I truely hope your$500 worth of 4 door b10 parts arent $500 worth of parts that sit in your garage.
On a lighter note;
Have you been told today?