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Main : Misc 1967 B20. A missing link?

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1967 B20. A missing link?
1967 B20. A missing link?Popular
SubmitterDodgemanMore Photos from Dodgeman   Last Update2005/9/24 9:25    Tell a friendTell a friend
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B20 found in the Auissie alps
Is this the ultra rare '67 model ute?

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/9/26 5:45  Updated: 2005/9/26 5:45
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/6/27
From: Southern Tablelands N.S.W. Australia
Posts: 8287
 Re: 1967 B20. A missing link?
OK, OK, it's time to fess up.
I ran this photo to see if anyone was up on these models & could catch me out.

The 1967 model Datsun B20 is a vehicle SO EXCLUSIVE,..... that NONE were built.

My parts book lists the first B20 as chassis number B20-040000 for right drive & LB20 001000 for left drive, & first built after Sept of '67 as the 1968 model.
However, factory Service Bulletin 'VOL 88', Specification SP67-012, dated 15th of December 1967 is a 36 page booklet that was provided to dealers describing the details & features of the new 1968 B20. It goes to some length to describe how this new model was based on the sturdy Van chassis, with necessary alterations to make it a ute.

This document lists the chassis numbers as being from
B20-014367 for B20TU &
LB20-000001 for LB20T
This discrepancy has yet to be reconciled, but i'm going with the parts book as it is newer & should have all the up-to-date info..

The ute in the picture is a 1968 model & these have a grille that looks a lot like the '67 model passenger model grille
So there you have it, the '67 ute is ultra rare because it never existed. Now you know.

Mmmmm B20, you know you want one.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/9/24 9:24  Updated: 2005/9/24 9:24
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/6/27
From: Southern Tablelands N.S.W. Australia
Posts: 8287
 Re: B20. A missing link?
Found in a small town where i have been working recently & yes, thats my Navara work truck in the background.
I don't think many '67 B20's were made. Very very few in fact.

I found about five or six more 1200's in Cooma the last time i was there too, despite the negative remarks from a member. There seem to be a lot of them in such a smallish community.
Pictures in due course

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/9/24 10:56  Updated: 2005/9/24 10:56
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2004/9/4
From: sydney
Posts: 3098
 Re: B20. A missing link?
Chris ,glad to have you back.

Whats the difference between a B20 and a B10?,

To the untrained eye they look the same.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/9/24 11:09  Updated: 2005/9/24 11:09
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/6/27
From: Southern Tablelands N.S.W. Australia
Posts: 8287
 Re: B20. A missing link?
Thanks for your kind words. It's been a rough few months & i am still grounded with severe bronchitis. I cant drive untill the 'blackouts when coughing' go away. That makes it hard to get groceries when you live on your own.

Model numbers ending in 20 are open back commercial models, while those that end in 10, are passenger models, or closed passenger/ commercial models like Vans & station wagons
B10 is the base designation for the passenger or closed commercial models, while the B20 is the ute.
This carried on into the 1200 models with the B110 being the base designation for all the passenger or closed commercial models & B120 being the ute.

This system was also used on the bigger 510, 610, & 710 models

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/9/24 11:10  Updated: 2005/9/24 11:10
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/3/20
From: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 8221
 Re: B20. A missing link?
its a ute, they arnt ultra rare are they?

seen a few advertised for sale over time and speak to a guy on msn who has one or maybe two

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/9/24 12:36  Updated: 2005/9/24 12:36
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2004/10/28
From: Geelong, Vic
Posts: 6184
 Re: B20. A missing link?
there were two of these on ebay a few weeks ago, $600 for both of them

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/9/24 13:26  Updated: 2005/9/24 13:26
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/6/27
From: Southern Tablelands N.S.W. Australia
Posts: 8287
 Re: B20. A missing link?
Datsun 1000 utes are not particularly rare, but have you ever seen a 1967 model?

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/9/24 13:59  Updated: 2005/9/24 13:59
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2004/10/28
From: Geelong, Vic
Posts: 6184
 Re: B20. A missing link?
i thought that the grill looked a little different

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/9/24 15:07  Updated: 2005/9/24 15:07
Just popping in
Joined: 2005/8/7
From: Warwick Qld
Posts: 14
 Re: B20. A missing link?
Dodgeman or anyone else, how can I as I have a 1000 ute tell if it is a 1967 model?
can you tell by the car number?

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/9/24 17:28  Updated: 2005/9/24 17:28
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/6/27
From: Southern Tablelands N.S.W. Australia
Posts: 8287
 Re: B20. A missing link?
There are a number of identifying features that separate out the diferent year models, & what you see here is a '67 model grille, but if you e-mail me, or post into this thread, the chassis number of your ute, i will tell you what model it is.
It will be stamped into the inner guard on the drivers side & will be B20 xxxxxx.

I got Daveyjones PM & he has a very late 1969 model.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2012/5/6 11:27  Updated: 2012/5/6 11:27
Just popping in
Joined: 2012/5/6
Posts: 1
 Re: B20. A missing link?
I'm trying to find out what year model my Datto B20 ute is. Can you tell me please??
chassis number is B20 036388

Poster Thread
Posted: 2012/5/7 5:17  Updated: 2012/5/7 5:17
Joined: 2001/5/3
From: 48 North
Posts: 31668
 Re: B20. A missing link?
The side markers are perhaps the easy tell:

Except there were no 1967 B20, the were introduced as 1968 models, although the first few were manufacturered late 1967.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/10/5 8:02  Updated: 2005/10/5 8:02
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/9/23
Posts: 2809
 Re: B20. A missing link?
I found about five or six more 1200's in Cooma the last time i was there too, despite the negative remarks from a member. There seem to be a lot of them in such a smallish community.

Would I be guessing correctly that this little treasure was directed at me. Do you care to enlighten further on the subject and explain what negative remarks were made about 1200's in Cooma. Surely it was evident where my remarks were directed.
On a lighter note;
Recently speaking to a Cooma local, the old guy was brought up. Sounds like you have burnt a few bridges for yourself in the town . One bridge in particular is;
Word from the horses mouth is that you took advantage of an even older man who is recovering from a heart attack and coned him out of roughly $1000 worth of parts. On your return trip for more parts, the son in a polite way told you to get ####ked your money is no good there.
I hope for your sake your $500 worth of parts doesnt become $500 worth of parts that you can't sell and ends up sitting in your garage since it doesnt fit your cars.
Hearing all this makes me real proud to be associated with datsun owners like yourself.
Below is one of the many 1200s owned by locals of Cooma.
Cooma really seems like it would be a good place to hold Datnats one year, beautiful views, nice roads and lots of accomodation, but what goods that to yourself if the locals dislike you

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/10/7 11:56  Updated: 2005/10/7 11:56
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/6/27
From: Southern Tablelands N.S.W. Australia
Posts: 8287
 Re: Another unjust attack
Ahhh, good old motormouth is dribbling from the lip again. One of us was actually there on the day, so one of us knows the facts, & it isn't you. You need more reliable sources of info.

The Old man "recovering from a heart attack" is the owner & operator of the wrecking yard, & has been for decades, so pulling the wool over his eyes is a trick for someone better than me.
He had been recovering from some heart surgery, but his son obviously felt he was well enough to be left to run the wrecking yard on his own. Thats how frail & sick he was.

The "Cooma local" is most likely the "Horses Mouth" that you speak of. If not, then yet another unrelated party is inserted into this fabricated story. This "Horses Mouth" is, I believe, the son of the owner & he works there during the week. This is the same man that you described to me in an unflattering way, in great detail, in an e-mail to me when you were pretending friendship, while pumping me for any info you could get about B10 parts & where to get them.

You were complaining how this son was over-valuing Datsun 1000 parts, particularly a VB10 bodyshell that you wanted, that would otherwise soon be crushed, & would therefore be worth only scrap value.

The new body panels that i bought were well known by the owner of the yard as he had placed them there himself, & were SEEN by him before i left. I paid him THE FULL ASKING PRICE, for 4 door skins, 2 door shells, a sill, a small structural panel around the door opening & ute tail light panel.
If you think thats worth $1000 then it's all yours for $750 although this $1000 worth suddenly became $500 worth only a few lines later in your fabricated story.
I did not barter the price down, I did not mis-represent what was bought by me, I did not mislead anyone about anything.
I told him that i would keep some of these body panels myself & make the rest available to other Datsun owners in an attempt to recover some of my costs. I was buying them ALL because his son had let it be known that this stuff would be crushed in the near future & i didn't want to see it all lost forever. All of this was known BEFORE i picked them up & before i paid for them. I didn't get it 'cheap' either.

I had inadvertantly left one panel behind when i left. It was LISTED ON THE INVOICE & I went back on the next business day when the son was there. We discussed my purchase & he had said that he would have priced them more highly than his father had, but in the end, a deal was a deal, & since the missing panel was on the invoice, i was free to go & get it.
I stoped at the office on the way out to show him what i had picked up. He was satisfied that everything was above board & he declined to inspect the panel.

He continued to express dissapointment that he had not been there on the day of the sale to impose some higher pricing [on stuff that is slated to be crushed remember] & we also discussed some other stuff that i would return to buy on another visit.

I have since been back & bought that stuff, so my money must be still OK.

In fact, i have spent a month working in Cooma since that time & I feel just as welcome there now as at any time in the last 25 years that i have worked there.

If you have any ACTUAL EVIDENCE, apart from your embelished version of second hand hearsay, from an allegedly discruntled 'horses mouth', to support your claims of impropriety, then present it now.

No? I didn't think so.
There were three people there at the time, & neither you or your horses mouth were one of them.

You're full of it, & seem to treat the truth very loosely in any attempt to unjustly have another a go at me. In my view, you have an attitude problem that needs professional help & I truly hope that you get it.
Quite naturally i expect a tirade of bullsh** in reply. Get help.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/10/7 13:20  Updated: 2005/10/7 13:20
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/9/23
Posts: 2809
 Re: Another old man with one nut in his sack
Ahhh the storyteller crys a river again.
ahhh fact is Flynn and Wayne have told me their version of the story.
ahhh fact is Flynn is recovering from a heart attack ( never said frail and sick )
What happens to oneself when they have a heart attack.
ahhh fact is flynns mind thinks its still 20 years ago.
ahhh fact is Wayne runs the show and Flynn holds the fort while Wayne does the banking.
Guess its bad luck to them you visited when you did.

I really like how you fabricate emails of all kinds, from me, from other members and use them to back up stories, pitty its only you who see these so called emails.
Are you gonna so call cut and paste any as evidence? If so, remember when your typing them up, to back date them so they look real.
"pretending friendship" I will get on to that one later.
I did send you emails about Flynn's and VB10 and B20 rear floors and prices and crushing cars and how I talked Wayne into not crushing any. I also mentioned it in forum posts.
Please dont adlib anyparts of my emails in your stories.

You have told your story now, thats fair enough, I cant prove you wrong with internet stories. The proof is in the pudding to those who visit Flynn's.
Be sure to always stop in and say high to Flynn and Wayne when you pass through town dodgeman.

Now " Pretending friendship "
I ask be wary of this person. Friendship offers mean he gets something out of it. How many members have helped you in your efforts for parts? How many members do you always without fail try and correct posts to show more knowledge/wiser etc (eg, is it the diff pumpkin, housing, assembley or third member). Which members do you skip doing this too? Surely you would like you so called friends to be more knowledgable and textbook also.
In the past you have said that you have given me second chances at your friendship and I have abused you once again.
Was the second chance because you wanted your car's electrics wired by auto electrician who is a fellow datsun lover? Was your second chance at friendship an attempt to get a good price.
Was this second chance revoked because I said I was to busy and not interested in doing anymore rewires?
Or did all these things just coincide with my wishing to pretend friendship and follow with abuse. My guess is its just coincidence.
Throughout all of this, when you wanted hubbies ( oh sorry Wheelcovers) did I not offer to give you some I had for free?
When you wanted headrests ( oh sorry Neck supports during an accident ) Did I not notify you off a pair I had and offer them to you for free?
Were you to big of a man to accept things that you really wanted, just because I was offering them?
Pretender You or Me?
Feel free to return bitch about how I seem to fight with everyone. But before you do, ask yourself, Who is being real and treating everyone the same and Who is pretending.

You are full of it. You are a conman. You befriend people for personal advantage. You storytell. And it is also evident that you need to show people how knowledgeable you are, to give yourself good self esteem.
Looks like your Resume is a fullhouse under the cover.

By the way, you did add your childish comment to start this even after not being around for a month or two.

I truely hope your$500 worth of 4 door b10 parts arent $500 worth of parts that sit in your garage.

On a lighter note;
Have you been told today?

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/10/7 13:28  Updated: 2005/10/7 13:28
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/9/23
Posts: 2809
 Re: Another true fact
Also on a lighter note.
Wayne from Flynn's Wrecking Yard will be starting to advertise parts on Ebay towards December.