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A14 block
ddgonzal 2008/12/30 5:41 Tell a friend
2917 4 9.00 (1 vote)
"M72" casting, fitted with CA16 pistons (78 mm) |
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A14force |
Posted: 2008/12/25 0:58 Updated: 2008/12/25 0:58 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2003/12/3 From: Christchurch NZ Posts: 3707 |
 Re: A14 block Who's motor is this? What sort of compression does this combo yeild? Is there any block decking required? More info please?
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ddgonzal |
Posted: 2008/12/25 3:27 Updated: 2008/12/25 3:27 |
Moderator   Joined: 2001/5/3 From: 48 North Posts: 31669 |
 Re: A14 block It is for sale on Yahoo Japan Auctions. The advert does not give any more details.
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ddgonzal |
Posted: 2008/12/30 5:41 Updated: 2008/12/30 5:41 |
Moderator   Joined: 2001/5/3 From: 48 North Posts: 31669 |
 Re: A14 block It is for sale again: Item f63602727