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Main : Mechanical : Drive Train suzuki gbox for G series conversions

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suzuki gbox for G series conversions
suzuki gbox for G series conversionsPopular
SubmitterDMore Photos from D   Last Update2012/5/10 4:36    Tell a friendTell a friend
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just in case anyone is doing a G conversion like I am
as they are a very light engine 10kg lighter than A10
& 20kg lighter than A15 when all considered

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2012/5/10 4:37  Updated: 2012/5/10 4:37
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/10/28
From: under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
Posts: 10946
 Re: suzuki gbox for G series conversions
also from geo tracker G16B

Poster Thread
Posted: 2012/5/11 2:13  Updated: 2012/5/11 2:13
Joined: 2001/5/3
From: 48 North
Posts: 31629
 Re: suzuki gbox for G series conversions
That's light! Will that block 5-speed fit in a 1200 tunnel?

Poster Thread
Posted: 2012/5/11 6:19  Updated: 2012/5/11 6:19
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/10/28
From: under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
Posts: 10946
 Re: suzuki gbox for G series conversions
I thought I was strong lifting this engine up so easily everywhere
but it ends up weighing the same as my ex wife :)

The box will fit easily in a 1200 tunnel if as above the 4 x 2 version.

The beauty of this engine is the power, torque and weight capability.
With good headers and 32/36 carb , SU on the carb model 125hp unopened
is easily had and all the G16B factory camshafts are a tri-flow design
with different timed inlet and exhaust valves (a cheap version of Vtec).
One valve opens earlier than the other due to sep diff lobe timings.

EFI G16B also can make 130hp with bigger throttle body and headers.

Dynomite performance in Melb raced these heads on smaller g10b
bottom ends for 1070cc class and made 196hp at 10,500rpm.
50mm ITBs, motec, crank angle ignition, custom camshaft,
ti retainers, stainless valves, porting and custom rods/pistons.
They where often in the top 3 but the driver weighed over 110kg!

Poster Thread
Posted: 2012/5/15 6:10  Updated: 2012/5/15 6:10
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/10/28
From: under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
Posts: 10946
 Re: suzuki gbox for G series conversions
Engine Ft-lbs (newer tools are marked in Lbs/Ft) Look carefully for Inch pounds in BOLD and green and do not confuse them.

Spark Plugs............................................. ...... 21

Intake/exhaust manifold nuts/bolts.................... 13.5 to 20 [Geo 17]
Throttle body bolts ,same is above.
Exhaust header flange nuts (steel) ......................29 to 43 same for manifold stiffener
Exhaust shield nuts and bolts .............................. 7.5 90 inch/lbs
Fuel feed pipe bolt to TB .....................................6 to 8.5 72 inch/lbs
Head Oil Jet (gallery)...........................................44 inch/lbs.
Camshaft sprocket center bolt.......................... 41 to 46 (use the rocker rail front 8mm hex plug and tool to lock this cam wheel)
Cam valve lash lock nuts................................ 11 to 13.5 132 inch/lbs
Rocker arm shaft retaining screws...................... 7 to 8.5 [Geo 89 inch/lbs] 84 inch/lbs
Rocker arm front shaft plug 16v....................... 24
16v Camshaft Carrier Cap bolts..x12................ 89 inch/lbs GEO spec. (must be staged up and down)
Valve Cover 8v ------------------------------ 35-44 Inch/Lbs (aka: Rocker cover bolts)
Valve Cover 16v----------------------------- 80-106 Inch/ Lbs "
Crank Shaft Oil seal housing bolt ................... 7 to 8.5 84 inch/lbs
Cylinder head bolts ( always stage them 3 levels !) CLICK HERE FOR SEQUENCE Map
8 valve engine........................................ 51 to 54 (91')
16 valve engine
Step 1.............................................. 26
Step 2.............................................. 41
Step 3.............................................. 52

Crankshaft pulley bolts.............8mm head....... 7.0 to 8.8 [89-91'] (92+ spec is 12-13 ft/lbs) In 1992 both GEO's & Suzuki motors changed PN of the bolt. {harder?}
Crankshaft pulley center bolt 17mm head ........ [ TSB # 423-07196 says 94 ft/lbs for both 89' to 96 years , factory started Feb-96] retroactive spec. Always is this torque.
8 valve engine......................................... 58-65 (old) [new 94] do not use.
16 valve engine......................................... 81 ( old) [new 94] do not use.
Oil pump gear plate bolts.................................. 7 to 8.5 rear 84 inch/lbs
Oil pump-to-block bolts.................................... 7 to 8.5 front 84 inch/lbs [Geo 97 inch/lbs]
Oil pressure switch ----------------------------- 9 to 10.5
Oil pan bolts/nuts........................................... 7 to 8.5 84 inch/lbs No gaskets allowed after 1995
Oil pan drain bolt .......................................... 22 to 28.5
Oil Strainer and basket bolt............................. 97 inch/lbs
Flywheel/driveplate bolts.................................. 54.5 to 57.5
Timing belt cover.....nuts&bolts........................ 7 to 8.5 (GEO 89 Inch/lbs) 84 inch/lbs
Rear main seal housing bolts............................. 8 96 inch/lbs [Geo 106 inch/lbs ]

Timing belt tensioner Idler center bolt............. 17.5 to 21.5 (GEO 20 Ft/lbs)
Timing belt tensioner STUD nut ....................... 7 to 8.5 (Geo 97 inch-lbs)
Engine mounting center member bolt.................. 43 [Geo 40ft/lbs]
Engine mount chassis or engine side mounts ....... 36.5 to 43 [Geo 40 ft/lbs right and left]
Distributor gear case bolts................................ 6 to 7.2 ( 89 inch /lbs GEO) 72 inch/lbs
Main bearing cap bolts..................................... 36.5 to 41
Connecting rod cap nuts.................................. 24 to 26.5
Spark plugs .................................................... 14.5 to 21.5
Water coolant pump base bolts .........................7.5 to 9 (91') (96 GEO 106 inch/lbs ) [1995 Suzuki shows 9-12 ft/lbs] 90 inch/lbs
Water coolant pump pulley Nuts.........................97 inch/lbs 84 inch/lbs
Cooling fan /clutch nut ..................................... 7.5 to 9 90 inch/lbs
Torque Converter bolt ..................................... 36.5 to 43

Special Sealants:
Distributor base box over rocker rail uses Silicon RTV , use Permatex high temp silicon rubber sealants. No bath tube caulk.
#6 rear ,Cam Cap Cover , cap bottom , with RTV ,
No PAN gaskets allowed after 1995 or the crank CKP crank sensor WILL fail. (it will bounce and drive you and ecu nuts)
RTV on pan gasket , has no gasket all kicks out factory. but pre 95s you can use a nice Felpro gasket saving you lots of grief of RTV; praying that it seals.
Loctite(tm) 414 the flywheel center bolts. I use this substitue called loctite Blue Removable No.242 ,into the crank.
Loctite(tm) 414 Super bonder ,the Rear main seal housing bolts. Cyanoacrylate adhesives or Super Glue works ok, on this aluminum thread.

Manual Transmission Ft-lbs

Oil fill and drain plugs....................................... 20 I dont use loctite as prescribed. (especially that side plug)
Transmission-to-engine bolts/nuts (Bell outer front flange) Upper and lower
Sidekick/Tracker....................................... 51 to 72 [Geo shows 72]
Input shaft bearing retainer bolts....................... 14 to 20
Transmission crossmember bolts --------------- 44
Transmission mount bolts ---------------------- 44
Lower transmission to engine --------------------72
Left and right transmission to engine side braces-- 72
Gear shift lever case bolts ------------------------17
Inspection cover bolts 6mm --------------------- 89 inch/lbs
speedo driven case bolt 6mm --------------------106 inch/lbs
shift extension case bolts --------------------------- 20
Gear shift boot plate to body screws --------------- 62 inch/lbs
Starter bolts /nuts ---------------------------------- 22

Clutch and Drivetrain Ft-lbs

Pressure plate-to-flywheel bolts.............................. 14 to 20
Driveshaft nuts and bolts

Sidekick and Tracker....................................... 36 to 43
Freewheeling hub
Manual locking
Hub body bolts......................................... 15 to 22
Hub cover bolts........................................ 72 to 109 in-lbs
Automatic locking
Hub body bolts......................................... 15 to 21

Pressure plate-to-flywheel bolts.............................. 14 to 20 [Geo 17]

Driveaxle flange bolt and nut (Sidekick/Tracker)......... 29 to 43
Front axle housing mounting bolts (Sidekick/Tracker)
Left side.............................................. ......... 37
Right side.............................................. ........ 37
Rear.......................................... ................... 37
Front wheel bearing locknut (Sidekick/Tracker)
1992 and earlier (all models)............................. 89 to 148
1993 and later
Tracker.................................... ............... 155
Sidekick................................... ................ 180
Differential carrier bolts

Sidekick/Tracker........................................... .. 41
Differential drain plugs
Front......................................... ................... 32
Rear.......................................... ................... 36
Brake backing plate bolts/nuts................................. 14 to 20
Wheel lug nuts.............................................. ........ 60
Bell housing to Tranny case ................................... 36.5 Ft/lbs ( front bearing plate is 12.5 ft/lbs) ( see full spec here on type 1 5speed Transmissions )

Poster Thread
Posted: 2012/5/15 6:19  Updated: 2012/5/15 6:19
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/10/28
From: under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
Posts: 10946
 Re: suzuki gbox for G series conversions
rebuild link with good info and pics