There was the T, 2t and 3t yes I should have said T series. Theres also a 3t twin cam turbo which can be raped to be used on a pushrod 3tc or 2tc, just think no pollution gear and 118hp for the 1.8ltr twin carb from factory.
4 cyl pushrod 800hp yes small toyota pushrod engines can.
Imagine the corollas with the 100kgs disadvantage against b110 yet when they brought out the twin cam version 1.3 ltr to compete with the excellents twin cammer and 100kg more weight they ruled. Only with injection and 100kgs less did nissan rule again so yes Toyota engines arent a bad at all. Remember whos won the last 2 or 3 drift d1 in the states... 4ag sprinters.
The 4ag is much stronger than any honda vtec engine bar the s2000 from factory.
The 3t bottom end is known to be the grandfather of the 4ag.
Hey El bruto R u still on earth??