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turbo a14 suckthrough
rice 2006/8/15 9:22 Tell a friend
3610 6 10.00 (1 vote)
this our dato ute. running but not to far from the road. hoping for sept 21. share ya thoughts. |
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Posted: 2006/8/29 8:47 Updated: 2006/8/29 8:47 |
Quite a regular   Joined: 2004/9/20 From: Posts: 64 |
 Re: turbo a14 suckthrough How's it drive? I went through three carby's before I settled on the CD175 for my A14 turbo. First I had an SU, wouldn't go hard enough, 45 sdie draught, thing flu but no drivability, either on or off. The the Stromy drives well in traffic and gets up and goes.
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Tyrie |
Posted: 2006/8/29 8:50 Updated: 2006/8/29 8:50 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2004/5/4 From: Canberra Posts: 4200 |
 Re: turbo a14 suckthrough CD175 was used on the Sigma turbos wasnt it?
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Posted: 2006/8/30 4:41 Updated: 2006/8/30 4:41 |
Quite a regular   Joined: 2004/9/20 From: Posts: 64 |
 Re: turbo a14 suckthrough I'm not sure about that or not. I had my car tuned at Mancon automotive in cheltham when I was driving it everyday, my dad know him from their racing days in the 70's. He used to run a CD 175 on the front of turbos back then on a 202 in an EH Holden
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Tyrie |
Posted: 2006/8/15 9:32 Updated: 2006/8/15 9:32 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2004/5/4 From: Canberra Posts: 4200 |
 Re: turbo a14 suckthrough Noice! Thats a pretty clean lookin engine bay!
no boost controller?
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2QK4U |
Posted: 2006/8/15 9:52 Updated: 2006/8/15 9:52 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2005/4/19 From: Gold Coast, Australia Posts: 744 |
 Re: turbo a14 suckthrough is this a wagon? the single master cylinder on the brakes makes me think this. but then theres a booster aswell?
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rice |
Posted: 2006/8/15 10:02 Updated: 2006/8/15 10:02 |
Just popping in   Joined: 2006/8/15 From: Posts: 6 |
 Re: turbo a14 suckthrough its a ute mate. its a boster and res off a charade.
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A14force |
Posted: 2006/8/17 8:54 Updated: 2006/8/17 8:54 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2003/12/3 From: Christchurch NZ Posts: 3707 |
 Re: turbo a14 suckthrough I like it. Whats the low rpm drivability like? I love the concept of a drawthough turb. Nice and simple.