The gunmetal is final for the top of the truck but the copper color and gunmetal flames will get covered with green house of kolor kandy within the next couple days. Then... reassembly!
It was a pretty time consuming process. We cut the spot welds and removed the thick lip off the sides leaving a half inch sheetmetal lip the pointed straight up. This is the very top of the quarterpanel. Then we folded that over down into the bed and welded it.
That lip being gone meant the structure wasn't there anymore so we added angle iron down the hole length of the bed sides. The taillight panels were off at the time so it made that easier.
Then we just cut off the lip around the back of the cab and welded the remaining back panel and roof together.
The flares are metal worked then covered with minimal filler. The front ones are on new fenders. This side is a Taiwan fender which I was pretty impressed with. Other side is Nissan. The doors are new Nissan too.
when you folded the lip down did you fold it onto the top or did you fold it inwards towards the tray and did you put the angled piece on the inside side of the tray or the outside? can you take a close up of where its folded please. and why didnt you just cut the lip off instead of folding it? is it because it would be too weak or what?
It's folded down and points to the bottom of the tray. The angle iron is inside the bedside, you don't see it. That was added because the lip, after removed, appears to make up most of the structural integrity of the bedside. It wasn't a planned step till we got to that point.
Folding it gave it a little more structure so that's why we did it that way. Where it starts to curve it was just cut off and welded.
A close up probably wouldn't help because it's all been filled and smoothed.