yeah i know, its takin ####in ages to get to this stage, but u notice the shed thats in? yeah blame dad for taking his sweet ass time in building it! let the MAHEM Begin.!!
Oh yeah, i got a L20b for it too, 40 thou over bore, new pistons ( not forgies :'() balanced crank, shotpeened rods.
i got a whole 200b sittin up the back yard for parts for the L20b.
im doing a swap with a bloke, for a SSS l20b head.
just needs a cam.
I got a single 45mm sidedraught delorto for it too. on a lynx manifold.
should be a little rip snorta once i get it going. i just wana see the look on my mates faces when i take em for a drive, there always givin me #### bout having a ####ty old datsun with rust and no steering wheel or seats. IDIOTS I TELL YOU!,
enough dribble from me, im gunna go wipe my chin