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kegs |
Posted: 2005/7/27 13:15 Updated: 2005/7/27 13:15 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster) Joined: 2003/1/5 From: campbelltown (sydney) australia Posts: 1802 |
Re: woodydats rust did u put weld proof primer behind that? if you didnt u might as well cut it out coz itll just rust through the same as mine did, coz when u weld it the metal becomes bare and rust's very quickly, mine came back within three months ......
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woodydat |
Posted: 2005/7/27 13:53 Updated: 2005/7/27 13:53 |
Home away from home Joined: 2004/1/29 From: Posts: 966 |
Re: woodydats rust We actually cut the rust out, there is none there, dad said it'll be right. and hes the boss. so yeah. she'll be right. im putty body deadner all in throo there. cheers for theheadsup ne way.