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Main : Members Kallan's 1980 B120 Datsun 1200 A12

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Kallan's 1980 B120 Datsun 1200 A12
Kallan's 1980 B120 Datsun 1200 A12Popular
SubmitterTelMore Photos from Tel   Last Update2007/5/24 11:12    Tell a friendTell a friend
Hits1905  Comments3    0.00 (0 votes)0.00 (0 votes)
This is my first and only car.

I've had her for about 6 months now and she hasn't really let me down, it's just i let her down. First off someone ran into the back of her and put her out of order, after I got that fixed I ran into a box curb at rolling speed when pulling out of a friends driveway, destroyed a tyre and cracked a wheel strut. But that should all be getting fixed in a litlte bit. So hooray! ! !

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/5/24 12:38  Updated: 2007/5/24 12:38
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2005/10/16
From: Perth WA
Posts: 2134
 Re: Kallan
Dang thats a nice ute! Good work!

I see a WA lic plate! Come to the next meeting. 7:00PM Shinanigans Bar in Morley on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. im organising a cruise for mid June too.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/5/24 15:16  Updated: 2007/5/24 15:16
Quite a regular
Joined: 2007/4/26
From: Geraldton, west aus
Posts: 45
 Re: Kallan
hey im in gero too, ive seen you ute gettin around (looks pretty good) i bought a blue one a few weeks back but its full of rust haha

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/6/15 15:31  Updated: 2008/6/15 15:31
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 2006/11/29
From: Geraldton, WA
Posts: 29
 Re: Kallan
hey wicked another gero guy. lol.
So hows that blue one going for ya?