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Main : Misc v6 supercharged 1200 ute 2

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v6 supercharged 1200 ute 2
v6 supercharged 1200 ute 2Popular
SubmitterLaneyMore Photos from Laney   Last Update2008/2/13 11:05    Tell a friendTell a friend
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yup another

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Posted: 2008/2/13 21:15  Updated: 2008/2/13 21:15
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2007/12/16
From: sunshine coast QLD
Posts: 77
 Re: v6 supercharged 1200 ute 2

thats the best i could do sorry


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Posted: 2008/2/13 23:33  Updated: 2008/2/13 23:33
Home away from home
Joined: 2005/11/27
From: Newcastle
Posts: 801
 Re: v6 supercharged 1200 ute 2
i have a mate who strips commodores and he sells them for 1500. . when me utes finnished . . (if ever ) lol i want to do a coupe with a v6 commo in it eventualy turbo it. . .

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Posted: 2008/2/14 0:37  Updated: 2008/2/14 0:37
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/7/15
From: Brissy
Posts: 551
 Re: v6 supercharged 1200 ute 2
engine bay looks silky smoth,
go the datto / holden ...

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Posted: 2008/2/13 12:39  Updated: 2008/2/13 12:39
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2005/10/16
From: Perth WA
Posts: 2134
 Re: v6 supercharged 1200 ute 2
But why the hell would you use a commodore v6? Let alone a Series1 VN V6? Sure torque and parts are cheap but its not a budget build by the looks of it. Surely a VG30 would be a nicer engine?

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Posted: 2008/2/13 13:05  Updated: 2008/2/13 13:05
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 1998/12/6
From: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 5806
 Re: v6 supercharged 1200 ute 2
Getting supercharged alloytechs for less than $2000 is not impossible. I agree that one of those would be cheaper, more attractive and more powerful.

Still ..owning a Datsun is sometimes about saying 'screw you guys, I'm gonna do it anyway'.

Good work to the guy that did all the work. He had a dream, and he had the determination to finish it.

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Posted: 2008/2/13 13:37  Updated: 2008/2/13 13:37
Home away from home
Joined: 2005/11/15
From: Gold Coast Australia
Posts: 752
 Re: v6 supercharged 1200 ute 2
I have a photo of this ute on my computer somewhere. It is a little yellow dot at the bottom of a very big cloud of smoke, and I mean a REALLY BIG cloud of smoke

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Posted: 2008/2/13 20:56  Updated: 2008/2/13 20:56
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2007/12/16
From: sunshine coast QLD
Posts: 77
 Re: v6 supercharged 1200 ute 2
yeah i seen a vid of it on you tube the other day.. other than the engine its a nice ute..done a pretty good skid aswell n lets just say he liked finding the rev limiter ALOT
