Cheers for the kind words everyone, I was really worth all that sanding, makes it look so much smoother, and sound deadening is easy to get off when its -3deg at early hours of the morning, it gets really brittle. Cars getting pretty close now, have finished wiring, started brake lines and puting brake system back in.
Francois the colour is just a five digit number with a letter in front unfortunately, sort of light blue/grey in the sun.
The car has no underdash bar yet, Pigdogs right I was getting the pedalbox sorted then welding the bar in but I've run out of time, car needs to be finished by end of october, that will have to come when the new motor goes in end of next year.
I think I'll also add a diagonal on the roof and a couple in the rear to stiffen things up and make it a bit safer, also add another intrusion bar next to my seat and make some better seat mounts and probably turret the rear shock mounts for coilovers with a single locating leaf and tramp rod.
Dash has been cut to fit around the cage, the metal part has to slide in through front window bolt up, then the pad screws to that from inside the car. But brake lines and pedal box needs to go in before that.
Cheater, yep flares, with 13inch superlights!
Too much to do, not enough time!!
10 points if anyone notices my effort in shedding a few kg's to compensate for the heavier motor.