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Dodgeman |
Posted: 2008/9/8 4:13 Updated: 2008/9/8 4:13 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2003/6/27 From: Southern Tablelands N.S.W. Australia Posts: 8287 |
 Re: 1973 Grand Prix - Sunny Wins! 2/4 Well I can't read japanese but I can clearly read the number 1400 below the lower photo. As far as I know the Sunny 1200 was raced in the 1300 classes & the little 1200 could not only be pushed that far with a boring bar, but Nissan, along with several others, provided the special pistons to do it, ... but 1400? I would have thought that such an engine capacity would have put a car into the 1600 class & that would put any racer at a distinct disadvantage.
EDIT Durrrr [slaps forehead] It's gotta be a Sunny Excellent with it's L14 engine. I wonder if they were competing against 1600cc cars. Probably
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ddgonzal |
Posted: 2008/9/8 4:20 Updated: 2008/9/8 4:20 |
Moderator   Joined: 2001/5/3 From: 48 North Posts: 31682 |
 Re: 1973 Grand Prix - Sunny Wins! 2/4 Yes, Sunny PB110. Look at the carburetor bells in this pic. They are on the right side of the car -- is that the LZ14 engine?  Brochure
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Dodgeman |
Posted: 2008/9/8 4:30 Updated: 2008/9/8 4:30 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2003/6/27 From: Southern Tablelands N.S.W. Australia Posts: 8287 |
 Re: 1973 Grand Prix - Sunny Wins! 2/4 Well double durrr. I didn't actually study the engine in this pic but you are partially right I suspect.
It very likely does have the LZ engine which would stand a very good chance of reeling back the 200cc disadvantage in the class.
I'm wondering if these bells are connected to the mechanical fuel injection that was occasionally used at this time. I say this because of the angle of the bells which is probably a bit steep for a straight shot at a Solex venturi.
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ddgonzal |
Posted: 2008/9/8 5:59 Updated: 2008/9/8 5:59 |
Moderator   Joined: 2001/5/3 From: 48 North Posts: 31682 |
 Re: 1973 Grand Prix - Sunny Wins! 2/4 LZ16 engine, newer one for Formula Pacific racing:  LZ engine article