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Main : Misc webber adapter plate

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webber adapter plate
webber adapter platePopular
SubmitterTeam_DatMore Photos from Team_Dat   Last Update2003/11/26 7:34    Tell a friendTell a friend
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as the title says for a 32/36 AND A 38/38 WEBBER

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/11/27 14:25  Updated: 2003/11/27 14:25
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/8/25
From: Canberra, Australia
Posts: 1618
 Re: webber adapter plate
mine had nothing in the middle. Just one big opening...
This is for A series?

Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/11/27 14:36  Updated: 2003/11/27 14:36
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/12/2
From: Brisbane
Posts: 2317
 Re: webber adapter plate
yeah that the Plenum area better to have that bit cut out more fuel and air to get dumped in

Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/11/28 0:27  Updated: 2003/11/28 0:27
Joined: 2001/5/3
From: 48 North
Posts: 31668
 Re: webber adapter plate
It may be better to have it not open ... the size of the holes should match size of the carburetor barrels, so there is no restriction with this. Making it bigger will hurt low-speed flow.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/11/28 1:05  Updated: 2003/11/28 1:05
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/3/20
From: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 8221
 Re: webber adapter plate
the manifold has a bridge in it too, it is supposed to be an improvement to cut the adaptor and manifold accordingly

datrally did it when they built my a-15 and they are SUPPOSED to be really switched on, but i aint gonna guess how much it really does

Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/11/28 1:36  Updated: 2003/11/28 1:36
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 1998/12/6
From: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 5806
 Re: webber adapter plate
That's rght, air speed and fuel/air mix is more important than flow.

Think about a blowdart...Would you rather use a skinny tube, or a 3 inch exhaust tube?

Say your 1200cc engine has these figures.

6L/100kms = 6000ml/100000m = 6ml /100m @ 2800rpm (Highway revs in 4th ~100kmh)
Stoichiometric Fuel/air = 14.7:1 Air / fuel.

So those 6mls of petrol are being used to travel 100m (@100kmh) in 1/1000 hour = 3.6seconds. So 6mls of petrol + 88.2mls of air need to pass through the hole in 3.6 seconds. I expect I could blow more than 100mls of any ratio of liquid air through that hole in 3.6 seconds.. Of course, turbulence and different pressures will exist under different loads, causing additional flow restrictions, which might be overcome by slight changes in diameter (making much larger cross sectional area increases)

And keeping the speed of the flow up keeps the petrol air mixture consistant. So you want the smallest diameter/shortest path from the point of fuel/air mix to the cylinder, that can flow the required amount of fuel/air (@ given vaccuum/pressure) for the given capacity/revs.

In case any of this is totally wrong, buy 2 of these plates, machine out one of them to be a single hole, and run the car with both on a the results and let us know. I think you'll find the 2 holes are there for a reason.


Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/11/28 11:54  Updated: 2003/11/28 11:54
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/8/25
From: Canberra, Australia
Posts: 1618
 Re: webber adapter plate
It is interesting reading your reactions. Your five predecessors were by design based on a similar predication, a contingent affirmation that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of your species, facilitating the function of the one. While the others experienced this in a very general way, your experience is far more specific. Vis-a-vis, ergo etcetera...

Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/11/28 12:07  Updated: 2003/11/28 12:07
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 1998/12/6
From: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 5806
 Re: webber adapter plate
You should hear my "theories on everything" after 10 too many beers...

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Posted: 2003/11/29 4:29  Updated: 2003/11/29 4:29
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/3/20
From: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 8221
 Re: webber adapter plate
It is interesting reading your reactions. Your five predecessors were by design based on a similar predication, a contingent affirmation that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of your species, facilitating the function of the one. While the others experienced this in a very general way, your experience is far more specific. Vis-a-vis, ergo etcetera...

oi, dont do that again!, it reminded me of being in a management class reading/listening to entire paragraphs and at the end thinking what the hell did i just read/hear

Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/11/29 9:35  Updated: 2003/11/29 9:35
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/8/25
From: Canberra, Australia
Posts: 1618
 Re: webber adapter plate
That was from the 2nd matrix...

Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/11/29 10:49  Updated: 2003/11/29 10:49
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/6/27
From: Southern Tablelands N.S.W. Australia
Posts: 8287
 Re: webber adapter plate
If the manifold has two holes, & the carb has two holes, then the adapter that joins them should also have two holes.

The original manifold was designed by engineers with a fixed goal in mind. These people, despite the claims from some quarters, are/ were NOT stupid. If there are two holes in the manifold, it was for a reason. If we can find out just what this reason was, then we can decide for ourselves whether it best suits out needs. Untill then, we will need a dyno & a pile of parts, time & cash to find out. It's probably best to stick with the original concept for a mild street engine.

59 words of pure tripe. I loved it.


Poster Thread
Posted: 2003/11/29 8:13  Updated: 2003/11/29 8:13
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/4/29
Posts: 360
 Re: webber adapter plate
Come on GUYS keep it simple hay,to many big words.I dont want to have a LAWER on the seat with me why I look around in here.
Us old blokes have been there done that,you young blokes will have to try the plate trick and play with it it dose make a differince to the shape and size of the holes.
I mite let you know the story one day.