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Main : Misc Copper[?] valve seat

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Copper[?] valve seat
Copper[?] valve seatPopular
SubmitterDodgemanMore Photos from Dodgeman   Last Update2004/8/7 13:33    Tell a friendTell a friend
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Early inlet valve seats.

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/8/7 13:41  Updated: 2004/8/7 13:41
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/6/27
From: Southern Tablelands N.S.W. Australia
Posts: 8287
 Re: Copper[?] valve seat
One of our members was apparently told by a specialist head shop recently that 1200's had copper valve seats. This is only partly right.

The "inlet" valve seats were made of a bronze/ aluminium alloy, & according to my Gregories workshop manual, the exhaust seats were cast iron, which is not good for unleaded fuel.