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Main : Racing : Track More....Bajan Touring datsun

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More....Bajan Touring datsun
More....Bajan Touring datsunPopular
SubmitterNissan4EvaMore Photos from Nissan4Eva   Last Update2004/9/12 14:14    Tell a friendTell a friend
Hits2792  Comments2    10.000010.00 (1 vote)

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/9/13 0:37  Updated: 2004/9/13 0:37
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/7/17
From: Bridgetown, Barbados. W.I
Posts: 278
 Re: More....Bajan Touring datsun
yup the track is rough. it was built in the early 1970's and haven't ever been repaved.
But the that track is closing at the end of the year, for a stupid golf course to be built there . But a new will be built as soon as it closes.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/9/13 0:05  Updated: 2004/9/13 0:05
Home away from home
Joined: 2002/5/1
From: Millgrove Vic OZ
Posts: 985
 Re: More....Bajan Touring datsun
That is one mean B310 sunny. I really like the front spoiler flares combination.

This would be a good look for a 2 litre sports sedan.

That track looks pretty rough though.