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Main : Members : Mr_Turbo difference in flywheel diameter

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difference in flywheel diameter
difference in flywheel diameterPopular
SubmitterMr_TurboMore Photos from Mr_Turbo   Last Update2005/8/14 13:15    Tell a friendTell a friend
Hits2722  Comments0    0.00 (0 votes)0.00 (0 votes)
got sum wrong information given to me nearly cost
me $300+
the ute was running a navara flywheel and clutch
kit ( bigger diameter) and i was just told that the
pressure plate and clutch plate jsut bolt on to the
stock s13 flywheel, this is not true, i got the stock
s13 clutch kit cheap thinking yeh just downgrade
and save sum money, not the case.
had to get the s13 flywheel for the s13 clutch kit,
the s13 kit wont bolt onto the navara flywheel
ne1 want a navara flywheel... its machined and all

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