Oh yeah, the under bonnet has taken a bit of a pounding. TWice, I haven't locked it down properly and it has flown up on me. All the welds to the bracing have come off. Only held on by the three main points now. Also where the factory air cleaner used to just touch the bonnet...
I have a spare one, which is actually on the wall behind us there at my parents place, that I will put on for the respray.(Thinking of going this one with an angle grinder to make a bonnet with a scoop

Oh and yeah, there is a bump in the guard, but that is a speed bump. Alters the way air flows accross the side of the car and creates less drag. A guy from Formula 1 designed it for me....
ACtually I think it might just be the infamous 1200 guard sweet spot. Just leaning against that bit will put a dent in it...
Thats why I have a soft filter on my other pics of my car to make it look nicer...
Oh yeah, I am the one holding the puppy.