Thank u Home away from home
Yes im on a lot of sites Wold wide, as im shor outhers r
I just try to do little bit moor 4 the under dogs
of this gready Planat through all sites
At first its all ways a DRAMA as is here
Yes we no its a datsun site
Yes i no its a Gixxer Site But they now have the greatest ree spect 4 me
Yes i am 50 But a very young 50
Yes i cant spell
Yes my work on here has in volved ASHIO
Now i dont care if u belive me or not
All so ill not go on about it ater this poast
But i sleep better Know that i a Kid from out back Aust has achived life skills outher them making $$$$$$s In the end Man will realise he cant live on $$$ when its all thats left
A nother point On most outher sites The owners
Stand up 4 me and think its cool how up front i am
#### yea im not perfict But ILL give it my best shot
Love me or hate me Thats up 2 u I cant make u go ither way
As 4 the Gent that dee coaded my spelling B low
He did well Thank u
Yes it does kick ASS on Ab Gas, but its hard on little motor,but fun while it holds together
1200 motersR a bit like Old Hond 4s they where bored to 1200 and took a hdeing Theres a 1200 motor Some where i found it with 4 carb set up off a Motorcycle ONEST ill try track it down
YOUR LIFE CAN SPIRAL DOWN SO FARST IF U STUFF UP AND MAIN SOME ONE OR Your self Cheers all I dont Surender at what ever cost Some of yous see the light Some dont or dont want too