These look to be VERY nice, but it's worth noting that these are roller TIP rockers only as they still use a stock shaft & they are bushed, unlike the Yella Terra rockers which are FULL ROLLER rockers.
Full roller means that they use a roller bearing in the rocker itself which rides on a hardened, but smaller diameter shaft.
On the upside, these should be more affordable than the Yella Terra's, but at about $660 Au, they are really not. I think that both Lemonhead & I paid a little over $100 Au more for the Full Roller Rockers which included new shafts & stands.
To be fair, the Yella Terra rockers require custom pushrods, but the maker of these rockers highly recomends the use of a new shaft & new, stock type, adjusting screws & nuts. All of these things are extra cost items.
These ones come in colours too, which sure looks pretty.
The tappets are very nice too, but the $300 US [$400 Au] price tag has made me stop & think.