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Re: Heater core bypass question
Home away from home
2001/2/12 12:02
From Stone Age somewhere in U.S.A.
Registered Users
Posts: 325
You have it backwards the lower radiator hose is the suction side, remember heat rises so the discharge will be at the upper hose, that's why the thermostat is in the cylinder head. They didn't change to reverse flow until the 90's.
Leave it the way it is it won't do any damage.

Posted on: 2022/6/9 15:36
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Re: Datsun 1200 GX fuel pump question
Home away from home
2001/2/12 12:02
From Stone Age somewhere in U.S.A.
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Posts: 325
The main reason why fuel electric fuel pumps are mounted in the rear is to pressurize the fuel lines, by doing so it lessens the possibility that fuel will boil in the fuel lines and cause vapor lock when exposed to a lot of heat.

Posted on: 2021/10/13 19:08
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Re: Datsun B210 Tachometer wiring in car where it didn't come stock issues
Home away from home
2001/2/12 12:02
From Stone Age somewhere in U.S.A.
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Posts: 325
As far back as I can remember, accessory plugs were wrapped with blue tape to identify them, but I have also have seen yellow tape used, this may help you in locating them.
Also later model vehicles that had electronic ignition used a "tach resistor" in the circut to get it to function. If yours requires one and it's not there the tach won't work no matter what you do. Check a wiring diagram for your year and model to be sure.

Posted on: 2021/10/13 19:04
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Re: WTB 1200 Van/Wagon Fuel Gauge Sender
Home away from home
2001/2/12 12:02
From Stone Age somewhere in U.S.A.
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Posts: 325
Apparently there isn't one out there. Here's an option for you, you can have yours repaired/restored.
Try this ... Page/Products%20Page.html They might be able to help you.

Posted on: 2021/5/3 16:45
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Re: Sunny spotted in old movie
Home away from home
2001/2/12 12:02
From Stone Age somewhere in U.S.A.
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Posts: 325
WELCOME BACK! Many have missed you.

Posted on: 2021/3/10 2:52
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Re: Weird cylinder head
Home away from home
2001/2/12 12:02
From Stone Age somewhere in U.S.A.
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Posts: 325
Nothing weird about it, it's standard A series head drilled for air injection. To the best of my knowledge they were used here in the U.S. and Japan and anywhere else that required emission controls. Like lamb said, for use with an air pump (smog pump). The reasoning was/ is that if one injects fresh air into the exhaust stream, it will cause all the unburned fuel to burn, reducing emissions. As far as performance, it's about the same as an H72 head, possibly slightly worse. If you are going to use it without an air pump, make sure that you plug the hole in the front of the head by the thermostat so as not to have an exhaust leak.

Posted on: 2021/3/4 23:46
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Re: Still no word from ddgonzal?
Home away from home
2001/2/12 12:02
From Stone Age somewhere in U.S.A.
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Posts: 325
You have a way of contacting him? If for no other reason, let's make sure that he is OK. Him and I have had our differences in the past, but I don't wish him any ill.
So if you can call him, please do so and put this to rest. That way everyone will know.

Posted on: 2020/11/4 23:40
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Re: Wanted - L series oil pump (Prefer KA24)
Home away from home
2001/2/12 12:02
From Stone Age somewhere in U.S.A.
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Posts: 325
The standard L series oil pump was 15010-21001 which was used for almost all applications. The KA24 oil pump 15010-40F00 had slightly higher volume than the standard L series pump. The highest volume pump was for the L28ET auto trans because it also had an oil cooler, 15010-S8000, this one had about 15% higher volume than any of the other L series or KA series oil pumps.

Posted on: 2020/9/30 17:34
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Re: Declinig content ???
Home away from home
2001/2/12 12:02
From Stone Age somewhere in U.S.A.
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Posts: 325
Last time he posted anything was Mar.31, 2020. I know that he had moved to Hawaii some time ago, just not exactly where. Could be that the volcano got him and he doesn't have internet access. Or the covid thing got him and he got really sick and is recovering still, or he just got tired of doing this and is taking a break. Who knows, maybe the Branco Bros. can shed some light on this.

Posted on: 2020/8/21 16:59
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Re: Declinig content ???
Home away from home
2001/2/12 12:02
From Stone Age somewhere in U.S.A.
Registered Users
Posts: 325
I check every day to see what's new. I don't usually do it on a computer where I can reply, if I see something that I think I can add to I will make the effort to log in at home and reply, otherwise I keep my fingers off the keyboard.

Posted on: 2020/8/9 3:42
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