Hi everyone. I just got a Datsun last week. Its a B310 ( square lights) . The car was running well until yesterday I cleaned up the carb and replaced the gaskets because they were leaky. Now, the car has problems idling. its kind of eratic. Running is good and theres no problems with the acceleration. I took the carb out a few times to re-clean the jets(I could not remove some jets as they seem stuck). I still cant seem to solve the idling problem.
I notice theres a kind of sound coming from the carb when its idling. It sounds like when your drinking trough a straw and the drink finishes. That kind of slurp sound. I looked down the barell and i can see there is fuel flowing in, but maybe its not consistant.
I read trought the tech section and checked the few things. The Dieseling valve works, and the fuel level is ok. Anyone have any ideas whats wrong. I have already taken the carb apart 4 times
. Could a jet still be clogged or is there a vacuum leak. The carb is a stock carb. ( Hitachi DCH306 i think)