Hey all, I was on DDGonzals blogspot and was about to ask him what got him interested in 1200's when I thought why not ask everyone here? After all, these are kinda odd little cars to have a fixation with. I mean they're not 240Z's, Roadsters or some type of sports car. Just little cars that got really good gas mileage and don't have a lotta room.
My interest started when my cousin bought a '71 2 door sedan for transportation back in '77. After a while he sold it to my brother in law who sold it to me. Then I sold it back to him which in turn sold it to my other brother in law who sold it back to him who then sold it back to me. Yeah, talk about keeping it in the family!!!
While all this was going on the car was racking up the miles and all we did to it was put new rings and gaskets in it along with a valve job and it continued to run super. Anyway, when I started making a little more money I finally got enough to buy a new car and the 1200 had to go. The interior and body was shot anyway but it still drove like a champ.
So here I am building one to replace the one I let go way back when.