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H75 Head 'Low compression head, bigger combustion chamber' True or False?
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2007/1/22 23:06
From East New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Registered Users
Posts: 6981
I finally got around to cc'ing my H75 head to see if it is in fact of larger capacity than the H89.

So it turns out it the combustion chambers are larger than a H89, but only by 2cc (that is assuming the H89 29cc measure is in fact correct). So in reality it isn't THAT much of a lower compression ratio head. People go to the effort to source these head specifically for forced induction suitability. Is the 2cc really worth the hassle?

I have a H89 here that I can check but it appears it may have been milled at some point in time.

I did the test using a CD case cover with a vent and feed hole drilled into it (which I should have drilled further apart!). I put grease around the edge of the chamber to get a decent seal and I pressed the case down hard onto the face of the head, I used a 10cc syringe to feed the oil. It was a little crude but it works (I've lost my acrylic cc disc). Does anyone see any errors with this method? The only variables I can see are spark plug and valve face.


Attach file:

jpg  10cc.JPG (169.05 KB)
7952_4c09b4f20ec7b.jpg 1095X821 px

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7952_4c09b53cb821b.jpg 1095X821 px

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7952_4c09b5738b036.jpg 1095X821 px

Posted on: 2010/6/5 3:25

Edited by clyons8 on 2010/6/5 4:26:35
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Re: H75 Head 'Low compression head, bigger combustion chamber' True or False?
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2008/2/10 10:23
From sydney.nsw
Registered Users
Posts: 1092
no thats fine chris, but kero is better then oil (thinner)just make sure valves are sealing good,put springs on. cheers ernie

Posted on: 2010/6/5 5:55
A.T.E RACE ENGINES: ( " AUST 1 " 2010 ) A15 GO THE DATTOS... 0412 864 741
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Re: H75 Head 'Low compression head, bigger combustion chamber' True or False?
2001/5/3 7:04
From 48 North
Registered Users
Posts: 31668
So what was the measurement?

Posted on: 2010/6/5 6:10
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Re: H75 Head 'Low compression head, bigger combustion chamber' True or False?
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2007/1/22 23:06
From East New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Registered Users
Posts: 6981
Hey Guys,

Yeah the oil was a little annoying as I had to tilt the head all over the place to try and chase the air bubble out. Kerosene would work better, cheers!

Sorry the final measure was 31cc with stock/factory A14 valves. I'll do a second test later on just to confirm (& I'll put some springs on too).

Posted on: 2010/6/5 6:43
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Re: H75 Head 'Low compression head, bigger combustion chamber' True or False?
2001/5/3 7:04
From 48 North
Registered Users
Posts: 31668
I use water, easy to use with the syringe, and if the valves hold it overnight, you know they have a good seal.

Thanks for posting the CCs and the great photos previously.

Posted on: 2010/6/5 7:42
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Re: H75 Head 'Low compression head, bigger combustion chamber' True or False?
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2007/1/22 23:06
From East New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Registered Users
Posts: 6981
No worries, if you want to use them then do so. I have the part number label on the box as well if you want some pics taken of that.


Posted on: 2010/6/5 9:44
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Re: H75 Head 'Low compression head, bigger combustion chamber' True or False?
2001/5/3 7:04
From 48 North
Registered Users
Posts: 31668
Yes please. I have updated the tech section: ... series_Cylinder_Heads#H75

Posted on: 2010/6/5 16:58
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Re: H75 Head 'Low compression head, bigger combustion chamber' True or False?
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2002/8/11 8:22
From Perth
Registered Users
Posts: 2692
I'm going to have to recheck mine now
My engine builder told me I had 24cc (H89)
But I have larger valves

Posted on: 2010/6/6 3:13
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