You know that feeling when you're doing something you've never done before and you realise you shouldn't have even started?
Yeah, that happened to me today.
Now I've never claimed to even have a clue about panel work so knew it would be a challenge for me to do any of it.
So, I decided I'd put the Maddat trans tunnel in. Easy job right? Maybe. So I trial fit it and realised it would need a bit of work to make it fit flat with the floor-

The main thing preventing it from going into position was the front seat mount rail so I unpicked that and folded it back. The reason I unpicked it rather than just cut it is that my engineer is very particular about everything being 'blended' onto their host panel not just welded on where it meets-
[img width=600][/img]

So this where it started to get ugly. I had a set of new floors that I got off wayne080866 that I realised I should fit before I trim anything off the new tunnel to make it fit.
So I drilled out the spot welds along to sill panel, through the chassis rail that runs under the floor, across the front at the base of the firewall and also removed the front seat rail completely.
Once I'd got underneath to break the remainder of the spotwelds I realised that there were only another 8 or spotwelds to remove the chassis rail
So I took it off-

I started to feel a little nervous at this point....
But unperterbed I got the angle grinder out and chopped the floor out completely-

Now I was really nervous. Then I looked along the inner sill and realised that it was way beyond leaving there so I drilled out the spot welds linking the inner and outer sill so I can cut a strip out to replace it. I also had to remove the outer rear seat mount. Now I'm really sh1tting myself. I'm so far out of my depth now it's not funny! It freaks me out how you start something thinking it will be easy but it leads to the next thing and the next and the next........
Anyway, I've got some serious light welding practice coming up...

All advice welcome!!!