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Please read everyone.
Just can't stay away
2013/12/26 9:55
From Sunshine Coast
Registered Users
Posts: 142
Hey guys so i'm just starting this thread to make sure everyone is aware of what food they're buying
And which foods can essentially fund terrorism.

Here are just a couple sites 1 explaining what Halal is and the other a facebook page showing just how many people (only in Australia, there are many orher country boycotts aswell) are waking up and boycotting all Halal products.

I'm not just against the fact that animals are incredibly inhumanly and unnecessarily killed, it also indirectly funds terrorism.

This thread is not open for arguement but more just to make you all aware if you werent already aware.

I challenge you to read up more about this Islamic tradition and take action however you can. Sign petitions, fast from Halal products, whatever necessary.

Also on the facebook page, scroll down and click "show more posts" to see more and more companies selling certified halal products. Thanks for reading guys.

Facebook Page:

Random page: ... ers/buy-and-return-halal/

If you can stomach it, watch the video of the 'POINTLESS' slaughter. Its completely unnecessary.

Cheers guys.

Posted on: 2014/10/2 21:21
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Re: Please read everyone.
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2007/1/22 23:06
From East New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Registered Users
Posts: 6981
I didn't read much of that, but got the gist of it. Interesting.

Can you explain this further? (In your owns words please) Quote:
" also indirectly funds terrorism."

It's a fairly sensationalist statement, and fear is a powerful influence, couldn't one say that buying fuel for their truck, car or whipper snipper also indirectly funds terrorism?

Posted on: 2014/10/2 21:28
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Re: Please read everyone.
Just can't stay away
2013/12/26 9:55
From Sunshine Coast
Registered Users
Posts: 142
Absolutely. Trick is to act against what we most possibly can.

As far as i'm concerned, and that means in my own words, most of the Muslim society would work together as one. I see no reason that the Halal tax couldnt itself increase the society of islam here in Australia or any other country. I'm not making the argument of 'all muslims are terrorists' but we can see many muslim groups in sydney and brisbane wherever, that have commited or atleast plotted acts of terrorism in recent weeks. Many more to come. In turn the roughly assumed $700 billion that they recieve in that tax is directly funding the growth of islam society everywhere and i have no doubts (yet obviously no proof) that its supporting both mild and radical muslims here and over seas. So my point stands aswell that it doesnt just mean its only funded terrorism in the past, it could also quite easily fund terrorism locally in the future. And its something we CAN help.

I'm not here to make any Genuine peace keeping muslim feel uncomfortable, cause they shouldnt, but i just think we should all know what were buying. I couldnt care if someone else wants to eat Halal products its entirely their choice, but i'm hoping i've given someone the awareness and therefore the choice to stop giving to the cause.

Does that answer appropriately?

Posted on: 2014/10/2 21:55
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Re: Please read everyone.
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2007/1/22 23:06
From East New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Registered Users
Posts: 6981
Can't say I warm with the One Nation backing of that website - after all I'm an immigrant. Like all Australians.

I'm not sure what it is that bothers you, the muslims, islam, the crude slaughter of the animals or the 'funding of terrorism' buy buying a steak. So I cant offer any feedback on whether your answer is appropriate to the query.

Personally I think any religion is crap but I do have the capacity to respect an individual for believing in a religion (despite having just said that religion is crap )

I think the material you are advertising and promoting is just as alarmist and sensationalist as the typical media hype that is amplifying the situation. And by labeling the title as a plea I think you are indeed promoting rather than educating.

I'd be interested to hear how much of an effect we would have on terrorism if everyone stopped buying fuel. I would think it'd have a far greater effect than if the average Aussie chose a kangaroo steak than a cut of halal beef. But of course to stop buying fuel means everyone's world would collapse, which is exactly the problem. We rely on it.

Posted on: 2014/10/2 22:25
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Re: Please read everyone.
Just can't stay away
2013/12/26 9:55
From Sunshine Coast
Registered Users
Posts: 142
We are all entitled to our opinion.

Like i said yes i'm promoting this cause against halal. My objective is to make everyone aware. They can make there own minds from there. Just like you can.

Also, realise that it's not a matter of 'which' one of those things i'm 'bothered' by. I'm bothered by all of it. So whats your point there?

May i ask why you dont 'warm' with the site? I just dont understand what you meant by that.

To your last comment/paragraph, i agree completely that we could not stop using fuel on the basis that even if a minority quit using fuel, there wouldn't be much point cause everyone else would anyway. But this situation is obviously something we can control via majority against companies utilising halal certification. Its in its small stages at the moment.

I dont see any need for you to continue this now, i made my point by saying this is just an awareness post incase anyone was not aware. Its up to them to see for themselves what the implications are in the distant future. As for my statement about indirectly supporting terrorism, once again yes thats a matter of opinion, but many many MANY other people share this opinion, most of which are more educated than myself. It's up to any individual to do the research, understand the future implications, and act as they see fit.

Lets not let this come between us Chris as thats not my intention.

Posted on: 2014/10/2 22:42
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Re: Please read everyone.
Just can't stay away
2013/12/26 9:55
From Sunshine Coast
Registered Users
Posts: 142
And i must say, it amazes me you can still hold the view of 'media hyping things up more than it is'. If you havent noticed the media dont really touch base about Halal products because most people arent aware. As for what media IS showing, whats not to hype up about people getting their heads cut off? I'm glad they're making a big deal about it, because IT IS a big deal.

Posted on: 2014/10/2 22:46
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Re: Please read everyone.
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2007/1/22 23:06
From East New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Registered Users
Posts: 6981
For the record this is what I said;

I think the material you are advertising and promoting is just as alarmist and sensationalist as the typical media hype that is amplifying the situation.

There is absolutely no reference to removing or dampening any of the significance of innocent people getting murdered- so don't try and present that as being the counter-argument to what I had said. I won't have my statements dragged out of context.

It doesn't take long to understand that the situation on Australian soil is a culmination of many complex issues where people have been allowed to take the wrong path. Its a topic too dense to discuss on here, I don't have the time.

It also takes about 10 minutes of reading to realise the general theme behind the website you presented. Take a quick look at some of the more recent interviews with the CEO of the website and it's pretty obvious what the agenda is.

Okay, so everyone is entitled to all their opinions and entitled to decide their own. You decided that this particular opinion of yours deserves public announcement, and I, as a member of the public have offered my opinion. If you don't want my opinion near your opinion you can have your post instated and locked so as no response can be initiated - its borderline propaganda but it works in the media and on the website you presented.

Posted on: 2014/10/2 23:02
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Re: Please read everyone.
Home away from home
2014/2/18 9:33
From Melbourne
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Posts: 322
This is going to get out of hand pretty fast.

Discussing this stuff on the internet never works... Or in real life for that matter.

Posted on: 2014/10/2 23:16
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Posted on: 2014/10/2 23:33

Edited by unfamilia on 2020/3/29 13:33:07
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Re: Please read everyone.
Just can't stay away
2013/12/26 9:55
From Sunshine Coast
Registered Users
Posts: 142
Chris, read your statement again... Your comparing that site and saying that its the same 'alarmist and sensationlist' thing as what the media is doing to 'The Situation'. The media is NOT hyping Halal situation up at all.

My other comments were directed at you saying 'typical media hype'. Which is why i said whats there to not hype up about what is happening.

There was two ways your comment could have implemented, i responded for both.
1 one says what you intended, but the media is not talking about halal at all.
2nd possibility is that you meant about what the media IS talking about, because they're not talking about halal, therefore your statement could only work by you saying 'the situation' becomes what the media actually is talking about. Which is beheading etc.

I'm not saying your an insensitive prick that disagrees with media hyping up the beheading issue (or any other issue in the media) its just how your comment reads...

Can u see what i mean? I'm not taking your comment out of context, i read it for what it was.

As to you expressing opinion, thats fine! I'm glad you have expressed your opinion! Thats why i do leave it open! I just dont see what much else you'd need to say. I've answered your questions, some of which you dont seem satisfied with anyway, so we'll leave it at that yes?

I honestly can't justify why you'd bother coming on here to try turn what i'm saying into something wrong? Its an awareness note. Yes up for discussion and opinion, but why so against the idea? (Of me posting this topic)

Either way my objective is awareness of the situation and thats what this is for.

Flatto I agree. Thats why i did state in original topic that its not suppose to be up for arguement. I understand that Chris is challenging a statement i claim to be true with no proof of such, but thats now been answered.

Posted on: 2014/10/2 23:57
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