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NSW Liberals Treachery selling us out to UN Climate change Scam
Home away from home
2010/3/20 12:20
From Sydney Australia
Registered Users
Posts: 238
Found a report on Yahoo Canada nothing Local, NSW Baird Government has been drinking the UN Coolaide on the Climate scam.

CO2 number one is not Pollution but with Photosynthesis and Sunlight plants convert CO2 into Oxygen, All the UN Climate change scam is all about stealing your Money and Jobs for the Third world.

The third world, Specifically China and the Group of 77 (Actually now some 133 Dictatorships, Islamic Hellholes and various other scammers such as Nigerians control the numbers in the General Assembly of the UN, Hence they came up with a Scam called Climate Change and this is why Jobs are leaving Western Nations and the cost of living has gone through the roof.

Well Cop this Treachery from the Baird Liberal Government they signed up to the Green Climate Fund in Lima so they have decided to Increase your Cost of Living and take your money and give it to the third world along with your Job.

Seems we all need somebody other than Liberals or Labor to Vote for and sure as Hell not the Greens (Communists)

*******************************************************************************From Yahoo Canada
OTTAWA - Stephen Harper slammed the door on unilaterally regulating Canada's oil and gas sector Tuesday even as four provincial governments, representing almost 80 per cent of Canada's population, were pledging to go further and faster in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Environment ministers from British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec signed what they're calling a compact in Lima, Peru, where an international climate conference is underway.

They've joined with 12 other sub-national governments — ranging from New South Wales in Australia to Scotland — in recognition that their national governments may not be prepared to move with the urgency required.

"All of us are signed on to an agreement to set targets together, to set common disclosures and to build co-operation to get deep reductions," Glen Murray, Ontario's minister of environment and climate change, said in an interview from Lima.

Most of the signatories to the compact have agreed to reduce GHG emissions by 80 per cent or more by 2050, and are already meeting or exceeding more current targets.

The deal was signed on the sidelines of a United Nations climate conference where the international community is negotiating a new post-2020 global agreement on curbing greenhouse gas emissions. It's hoped that agreement will be finalized next December in Paris.

Posted on: 2014/12/10 14:31
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Re: NSW Liberals Treachery selling us out to UN Climate change Scam
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2007/1/22 23:06
From East New Britain, Papua New Guinea
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Posts: 6981
I'm cringing while I read this, are you saying that Climate Change does not exist?

China are manufacturers of anything and everything. The modern-Australians obsession and love-affair with cheap products and 'the bargain' is a key player in grinding the industry into non-existence. Stop buying cheap inferior products and make an effort to find locally manufactured items.

I wonder what would happen if China fell out with the rest of the world and decided not to manufacture anymore, just about everyone would be completely debilitated.

At my workplace I actively engage in the purchasing process, to buy quality equipment and machinery, we have brands like JCB, Doosan and TCM, Hayes etc. I am so sick of the dangerous cheap junk that comes out of China, ibut t is just so damn cheap.

I used to think that the saying below was true but people are slower learners these days.

“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten” – Benjamin Franklin

Posted on: 2014/12/10 19:43
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Re: NSW Liberals Treachery selling us out to UN Climate change Scam
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2007/1/22 23:06
From East New Britain, Papua New Guinea
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Posts: 6981
Back to your statements, can you explain this a little more when you say that they are giving money and jobs away?

The Australian public has been doing that to their own industry for a long time now via their obsessive love affair with the cheap and the bargain.

Loyalty to local industry and commitment to product quality and local industry has been drained altogether.

The same thing is happening here except PNG have never been a big manufacturing nation. But the obsession with the cheap is very much a strong thing here, the scary thing is we have no consumer watch-dog to control this.

Posted on: 2014/12/10 19:52
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Re: NSW Liberals Treachery selling us out to UN Climate change Scam
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2002/10/28 6:49
From under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
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Posts: 10964
Even though I never voted for the greens as there are much better smaller parties out there that unfortunately are ignored. The term "Communist" is really a sad effort by m0st ignorant Murdoch & Hollywood Zombies controlled by Zionist story telling systems. Look up McCarthyism and see why most Australians have no clue about anything except the info fed on the idiot box, shout box and rags.

Research who benefits in wars, how the Bank of England & Royal Family came under the control of Rothchilds a long time ago even before the battle of Waterloo.

Aussies choose the parasites that allow the rich to avoid taxes, sell out our farms & homes to keep the bubble rising so we cant afford to buy anything unless we risk buying something that will take 5-10 generations of mortgages.

The same Aussies allow 100s of Billions of dollars to go to Aircraft & weapons that never get delivered, carbon sequestration and backwards technology. Massive subsidies to big polluters.

Massive holes left over from foreign mining companies that leave a mess, frack chemicals into our precious water, build on the barrier reef horrific ports for cheap gas exports to china.

The list keeps going yet you worry about a new sustainable industrial revolution when its the only thing that could make wealthy countries stay ahead instead of just relying on dated systems.

People worry about a war with China vs America but easily dismiss the simple information that they are their own largest trading partners so as long as China can invade everyone economically and territorially, America/Israel can keep selling all the countries worried about China big $$$ weapons and defence systems.

Its a win win relationship.

China, Korea and India are building 100s of Nuke power plants, Japan & many other pro-right winged governed countries are pushing for the same.

Simple scientific knowledge shows 98.3% of all the Uranium mined is 238 Uranium (4.4 billion year halve life) while only 0.7% is usable 235 Uranium (700 million HL) for Nukes. The rest stays in giants mounds exposed to the elements for 4.4 billion years as Nuke waste is lovely Plutonium only 2 million times deadlier than u235 enough for 500gms to kill the world population. Does the word monopoly & need for change yet ring in your ears?

Thorium also needs 235 Uranium which India & China is having a real hard time failing at and dumps their failures into their own environment and their nearest water source, river or ocean without a care.
Japan and France have failed miserably with fast reactors for 40 years.

Whatever you think of the Green people not necessarily the political party the Greens stand for, only shows how deep the Xenophobia is within the Shopping centre Zombie generations and its time to listen to what a healthy community needs and not what the media tells you.

The world is owned by the big Bankers and they control (not in order of ranking or profit)

Big Pharma
you and me

I love this piece

edit 2016
just take n0te we have n0 ch0ice
just the idea we d0, v0ting is futi1e
whi1e media is c0ntr011ed

Posted on: 2014/12/11 0:52

Edited by D on 2014/12/11 1:12:59
Edited by D on 2014/12/11 1:13:52
Edited by D on 2016/4/28 7:03:54
"Australia" is formed by all its geographically listed territories "including" Norfolk, Christmas & Cocos Islands. The word include excludes all else before it therefore you have no legal rights.
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Re: NSW Liberals Treachery selling us out to UN Climate change Scam
Home away from home
2009/10/19 10:15
From Bendigo, Victoria
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Posts: 545
D, go out and play with your Datsun. Much more fun than getting upset over this crap.

Posted on: 2014/12/11 9:19
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Re: NSW Liberals Treachery selling us out to UN Climate change Scam
Home away from home
2007/2/11 12:04
From Penrith, Sydney, NSW
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Posts: 655
Pretty simple guys. What is the answer to 99% of all questions related to local, state, national and international politics and business... $$$.

Our species evolved solely based on social interaction and the familial/tribal system. Everything we instinctually value when we are born are representations that we are valued and loved regardless of what we or our parents 'contribute' to society. Yet our society is solely based around money and only rewards actions that result in the richer gaining more of it, typically at the destruction of social altruism and the familial/tribal structure. Then we wonder why addiction and mental illness and their related diseases is the biggest killer and destroyer of lives we have ever known.

Forget all the examples or permutations of it, it all comes down to $>love


Posted on: 2014/12/11 9:40
"If the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it is......infinite"
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Re: NSW Liberals Treachery selling us out to UN Climate change Scam
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2002/10/28 6:49
From under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
Registered Users
Posts: 10964
tinkering with datsuns much better yes!
For those who want some further laughs, he really was a Gem!

Posted on: 2014/12/11 11:24

Edited by D on 2016/4/28 7:05:21
"Australia" is formed by all its geographically listed territories "including" Norfolk, Christmas & Cocos Islands. The word include excludes all else before it therefore you have no legal rights.
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Re: NSW Liberals Treachery selling us out to UN Climate change Scam
Home away from home
2010/3/20 12:20
From Sydney Australia
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Posts: 238
With a Federal Election coming up and the Green BS in full swing best people have a look at this as it is not exactly a "Right Wing etc looney site" the Left would say is lying for an agenda but someone into Nature and Natural options who not only exposes the lies of Politicians and Government but backs up their ascertions with links to the data charts used to expose the lie of Global warming from NASA and the EPA themselves.

This will make anyone question the lies of the left if they bother to read a short essay on the topic and then after looking at the charts go to the supplied links to verify the article is indeed fact and the Greens, Labor and Turnbull and Hunt are liars and the UN is working an agenda not in your best interests. ... ata_scientific_fraud.html

Posted on: 2016/4/27 20:02
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Re: NSW Liberals Treachery selling us out to UN Climate change Scam
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
2010/11/1 1:01
From Goulburn NSW
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Posts: 1787
I'm no interlectual but lately have been watching a lot off youtube vids on the different countries mainly the USA and there blatant lies about alien technologys that they have been working with aliens in exchange for hybrids in the USA communities.Apparently they have a way to produce energy with absolutely no emissions but obviously would not release that sort of technology because of the global giants making what they make $$$ wise.Yet they still put the heavy word and follow people that try to expose these sorts of allegations and are trying to say that they simply don't exist,what the hell have they got at area 51 in the desert in Nevada.

Posted on: 2016/5/3 9:35
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