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[Datsun 1200 encyclopedia]

Fuel Pump

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Category: Fuel System

Revision as of 05:52, 2 November 2009
ddgonzal (Talk | contribs)

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ddgonzal (Talk | contribs)
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The fuel pump is located on the right side of the engine block. Original pumps are made by Kyosan Denki. The fuel pump is located on the right side of the engine block. Original pumps are made by Kyosan Denki.
-[][]+= Overview =
 +* All 1966-1973 pumps interchange (front distributor engines)
 +* All 1974-2007 A12/A14/A15 pumps interchange (mid-distributor engines)
 +* A10/A12 pumps are lower pressure output (2.6-2.8 psi)
 +* A14-A15 pumps and some A12 are 3.0 psi
 +A12 revised pump 5-bolt cast top
 +Early pump - single-bolt top
= Specifications = = Specifications =
-Original Datsun 1200 (1970-1973)+ Original Datsun 1200 (1970-1973)
-* 2.6 psi+ * 2.6 psi
-* 450 ml/minute minimum flow rate+ * 450 ml/minute minimum flow rate
-Late pumps:+That's good for 96 hp.
-* 2.8-3.0 psi+ 
-* 1300 ml/minute minimum flow rate+ Late pumps:
 + * 2.8-3.0 psi
 + * 1300 ml/minute minimum flow rate
= Testing = = Testing =
-See [[Fuel pump pressure test]]+{{Main|Fuel pump pressure test}}
= Repair = = Repair =
The original fuel pump is easy to repair. You can generally take them apart, clean it, then put back together using the original gasket. The original fuel pump is easy to repair. You can generally take them apart, clean it, then put back together using the original gasket.
-[]+Nissan repair kit comes with new diaphragm & valves
 +{{Album|14123}} {{AlbumH|27235|png|462}}
 += Leaks =
 +A low pressure value might be due to a leaking gasket. It will definitely cause a [[Fume Control|fuel smell]].
 +Finger-tighten these bolts in case they are loose:
= Interchange = = Interchange =
Note that early A-series and [[A-series_Engine_Redesign|late A-series]] fuel pumps differ: Note that early A-series and [[A-series_Engine_Redesign|late A-series]] fuel pumps differ:
- +
Pumps with the long arm fit 1974 and newer A12/A13/A12A/A14 and A15. Pumps with the short arm only fit A10 & A12 front-distributor engines (1966-1973). Pumps with the long arm fit 1974 and newer A12/A13/A12A/A14 and A15. Pumps with the short arm only fit A10 & A12 front-distributor engines (1966-1973).
= Electric Fuel Pump = = Electric Fuel Pump =
An electric fuel pump can be fitted if the stock mechanical pump goes bad. An electric fuel pump can be fitted if the stock mechanical pump goes bad.
-Advantage:+{{Main|Electric Fuel Pump}}
-* Easy to troubleshoot+
-* Primes the carb fuel bowl+
-* Extra wire needed+
-* Noisy+
 +== Fuel Pump Blank ==
 +Nissan part is commonly available and inexpensive.
 +{{Main|Fuel Pump Blank}}
-== Nissan ==+{{Photo!|motorfuelpumpblockoffZ20Z22.jpg|Datsun%201200/Parts}}
-Stock on 1982 Datsun 720 pickup with air conditioning: +
- [,carcode,1210239,parttype,6256]+== EFI Fuel Pump ==
 +Electronic Fuel Injection generally requires a medium-pressure or high-pressure pump.
-* 17010-A7600 NISMO High Volume Nissan type "Transistor"+{{Main|EGI#Fuel Pump}} for A-series engine
-*: []+
-*: 7 psi, requires regulator when used with regular engine+
-*: 1.3L/min (at P = 29kPa, 3.0kg/cm2), Diameter = &#966;60, Length = 140 mm, Inlet Shape = Diameter &#966;8, Outlet Shape = Diameter &#966;8, Electric Consumption = 7.0 A, Electromagnetic piston type for carburetor, With insulator+
-** 16404-29900 Replacement Filter+
-** 16420-E0100 Blanking plate (for A-series engine fuel pump) $12.08 USD+
- +
- +
-* W0133-1601714 Nissan 720 OE Service Fuel Pump+
- +
-* Nissan+
-*: []+
- +
-== Aftermarket ==+
-* [ Universal, about $40] +
-*: []+
- +
- +
-[,carcode,1210239,parttype,6256 Rockauto - Airtex universal kit]+
- +
-== EFI Fuel Pump ==+
-Electronic Fuel Injection generally requires a medium-pressure or high-pressure pump. For details, see:* Search for: Engine Swaps for various engine types+
-* [[EFI]] for A-series engine+
 +{{Main|EFI#Fuel Pump}} for generic EFI
= Part Numbers = = Part Numbers =
-Original fuel pumps are rebuildable and have five screws holding the top chamber, and one central screw fastening the disc-top.+Original 1200 fuel pumps are rebuildable and have five screws holding the cast top to the chamber
- +
- +
- +
-<br>Top left: late-A12 original style,5 bolt top+
-<br>Top right: triangular top mid-1970s+
-<br>Bottom left: early A12 (short arm), 1-bolt top+
-<br>Bottom right: non-rebuildable circa 1980+
- +
-B110 USA+ Top left: late-A12 original style,5 bolt top
-* 17010-H1900 ASSY-PUMP FUEL+ Top right: triangular top mid-1970s
-* 17010-H1902 ASSY-PUMP FUEL 0670-+ Bottom left: early A12 (short arm), 1-bolt top
-* 17010-H1903 ASSY-PUMP FUEL [ISO screw] 1071-0873+ Bottom right: non-rebuildable circa 1980
-* 17010-H1904 ASSY-PUMP FUEL 0973-+ {{Album|16017}}
 + B10 Japan
 + 17010-18010 from E/# A10-211302
 + 17010-H1001 from 1969 November > 17010-18010
 + 17010-H1002 from 1970 April <> 17010-H1002
-B110 JDM+ B110 USA
-* 17010-H1003 PUMP ASS'Y-fuel+ * 17010-H1904 ASSY-PUMP FUEL
-* 17010-H1004 PUMP ASS'Y-fuel (ISO &#12493;&#12472;) (from '71-10)+
-* 17010-H2302 PUMP ASS'Y-fuel GX+
-* 17010-H2303 PUMP ASS'Y-fuel (ISO &#12493;&#12472;) (from '71-10) GX+
-** ISO &#12493;&#12472; means ISO screw+
 + B110 JDM
 + * 17010-H1003 PUMP ASS'Y-fuel
 + * 17010-H1004 PUMP ASS'Y-fuel (ISO &#12493;&#12472;) (from '71-10)
 + * 17010-H2302 PUMP ASS'Y-fuel GX
 + * 17010-H2303 PUMP ASS'Y-fuel (ISO &#12493;&#12472;) (from '71-11) GX
 + ** ISO &#12493;&#12472; = ISO screw
-B210 introduced the [[A-engine Redesign]], pump rod may be different from previous years.+B210 introduced the [[A Engine Redesign]], pump rod may be different from previous years.
-B210 USA with A13 (1974 model year, to 0873)+ B210 USA with A13 (1974 model year, to 0873)
-** Superceded 17010-H6225 ASSY-FUEL PUMP WITH GASKET+ Superceded 17010-H6225 ASSY-FUEL PUMP WITH GASKET
-* 17010-H6200 ASSY-FUEL PUMP -0873+ * 17010-H6200 ASSY-FUEL PUMP -0873
-* 17010-H6201 ASSY-FUEL PUMP 0973-+ * 17010-H6201 ASSY-FUEL PUMP 0973-
-* 17010-H6202 ASSY-FUEL PUMP + * 17010-H6202 ASSY-FUEL PUMP
-B210 USA with A14 engine (from 0974)+ B210 USA with A14 engine (from 0974)
-* 17010-H7201 ASSY-FUEL PUMP 0974-0776+ * 17010-H7201 ASSY-FUEL PUMP 0974-0776
-* 17010-H7261 ASSY-FUEL PUMP 0876-1276 [new lower body]+ * 17010-H7261 ASSY-FUEL PUMP 0876-1276 [new lower body]
-* 17010-H7262 ASSY-FUEL PUMP 0177-1276+ * 17010-H7262 ASSY-FUEL PUMP 0177-1276
 + B210 JDM early
 + * 17010-H5000 PUMP ASSY-fuel (&#65311;&#25104;&#37096;&#21697;&#26410;&#35352;&#65311;) A12S
 + * 17010-H5010 PUMP ASSY-fuel A12S
 + * 17010-H5001 PUMP ASSY-fuel (from '73-8) [top disc: central bolt + four screws
 + * 17010-H5701 PUMP ASSY-fuel (from '73-10)
-B210 JDM early+ B210 JDM A12T
-* 17010-H5000 PUMP ASSY-fuel (&#65311;&#25104;&#37096;&#21697;&#26410;&#35352;&#65311;) A12S+ * 17010-H5700 PUMP ASSY-fuel A12T
-* 17010-H5010 PUMP ASSY-fuel A12S+ * 17010-H5701 PUMP ASSY-fuel (from '73-10) A12T
-* 17010-H5001 PUMP ASSY-fuel (from '73-8) [top disc: central bolt + four screws+
-* 17010-H5701 PUMP ASSY-fuel (from '73-10)+
 + B210 JDM late
 + * 17010-H5026 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A12 VAN [3-bolt top disc]
 + * 17010-H7226 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A12S, V A14S, K [central bolt top-disc]
-B210 JDM A12T+ B120 JDM
-* 17010-H5700 PUMP ASSY-fuel A12T+ * 17010-H2025 PUMP ASSY-FUEL 7510-7612
-* 17010-H5701 PUMP ASSY-fuel (from '73-10) A12T+ * 17010-H2026 PUMP ASSY-FUEL 7701-8503
 + * 17010-G1925 PUMP ASSY-FUEL 8504-8910
 + * 17010-G3426 PUMP ASSY-FUEL 8910-
 + B310 JDM
 + * 17010-H7226 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A12S, A14S S, K+AT -8010
 + * 17010-G3425 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A13S, A15S 8011-
 + * 17010-H5026 PUMP ASSY-FUEL V
-B210 JDM late+ B310 JDM Electric Pump (EFI)
-* 17010-H5026 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A12 VAN [3-bolt top disc]+ * 17011-Y8000 A14E -8010
-* 17010-H7226 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A12S, V A14S, K [central bolt top-disc]+ * 17011-N4205 A15E 8011-
 + Replaced by 17011-P7211 $286.12 USD 82-85 Datsun 280ZX
 + B310 USA
 + * 17010-H7285 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A12A/A14/A15 -0780
 + * 17010-H7286 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A12A/A14/A15 0880-
-B120 JDM+== Spacer ==
-* 17010-H2025 PUMP ASSY-FUEL 7510-7612+ * Beck/Arnley 039-2002
-* 17010-H2026 PUMP ASSY-FUEL 7701-8503+
-* 17010-G1925 PUMP ASSY-FUEL 8504-8910+A-series/R16 Roadster/U20/L-series/J-series/Z-series
-* 17010-G3426 PUMP ASSY-FUEL 8910-+
-B310 JDM+= Gasket =
-* 17010-H7226 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A12S, A14S S, K+AT -8010+ Beck/Arnley 039-2008
-* 17010-G3425 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A13S, A15S 8011-+ 1978-1987 Chrysler/Mitsubishi 2.6
-* 17010-H5026 PUMP ASSY-FUEL V+ 1976-1985 Mazda 808/GLC
 + 1983-1989 Mitsubishi 2.6
 + Nissan A/L/J/Z/U/R
 + Toyota 1971-1990, various models
 += A10 Fuel Pump =
 +A10 fuel pump has one central screw fastening the stamped-steel disc-top -- same as early A12
-B310 JDM Electric Pump (EFI)+* Early A10 pump (type 180) has press-in fuel fittings (while A12 uses screw-in fittings). Otherwise the same with identical pressure and valves
-* 17011-Y8000 A14E -8010 +* Later A10 is the same as early A12 (type H10)
-* 17011-N4205 A15E 8011-+
-** Replaced by 17011-P7211 $286.12 USD 82-85 Datsun 280ZX+
-** 16420-E0100 SPACER-FUEL PUMP A14E, A15E [Plate-cover] $16.10 USD+
-*** 08120-61210 Bolt (2)+
-*** 00915-13610 Washer (2)+
-B310 USA +{{UploadPost|174_5cfdb3ee3ef4b.png|491644}}
-* 17010-H7285 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A12A/A14/A15 -0780+
-* 17010-H7286 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A12A/A14/A15 0880-+
 +{{UploadPost|174_5cfdb40b8ae6c.jpg|491644|was=Datsun%201200/Parts2/e75800057kojiya_2006-img600x374-118.jpg}} {{UploadPostH|174_5cfdb4144eb0f.jpg|491644|249|was=Datsun%201200/Parts2/e75800057kojiya_2006-img600x384-118.jpg}}{{UploadPostH|174_5cfdb41baa88b.jpg|491644|249|was=Datsun%201200/Parts2/e75800057kojiya_2006-img600x422-118.jpg}}
-[[Category:Fuel System]]+[[Category:Fuel System]]{{End}}

Current revision

The fuel pump is located on the right side of the engine block. Original pumps are made by Kyosan Denki.




  • All 1966-1973 pumps interchange (front distributor engines)
  • All 1974-2007 A12/A14/A15 pumps interchange (mid-distributor engines)
  • A10/A12 pumps are lower pressure output (2.6-2.8 psi)
  • A14-A15 pumps and some A12 are 3.0 psi

A12 revised pump 5-bolt cast top
11758.jpgAlbum 11758

Early pump - single-bolt top
19108.jpgAlbum 19108


Original Datsun 1200 (1970-1973)
* 2.6 psi
* 450 ml/minute minimum flow rate

That's good for 96 hp.

Late pumps:
* 2.8-3.0 psi
* 1300 ml/minute minimum flow rate



The original fuel pump is easy to repair. You can generally take them apart, clean it, then put back together using the original gasket.

Nissan repair kit comes with new diaphragm & valves
26310.jpgAlbum 26310

14123.jpgAlbum 14123 27235.pngAlbum 27235


A low pressure value might be due to a leaking gasket. It will definitely cause a fuel smell.

Finger-tighten these bolts in case they are loose:
24005.jpgAlbum 24005


Note that early A-series and late A-series fuel pumps differ:

18149.jpgAlbum 18149

Pumps with the long arm fit 1974 and newer A12/A13/A12A/A14 and A15. Pumps with the short arm only fit A10 & A12 front-distributor engines (1966-1973).

8023.jpgAlbum 8023

Electric Fuel Pump

An electric fuel pump can be fitted if the stock mechanical pump goes bad.

Fuel Pump Blank

Nissan part is commonly available and inexpensive.


EFI Fuel Pump

Electronic Fuel Injection generally requires a medium-pressure or high-pressure pump.

for A-series engine for generic EFI

Part Numbers

Original 1200 fuel pumps are rebuildable and have five screws holding the cast top to the chamber

Top left: late-A12 original style,5 bolt top
Top right: triangular top mid-1970s
Bottom left: early A12 (short arm), 1-bolt top
Bottom right: non-rebuildable circa 1980
16017.jpgAlbum 16017
B10 Japan
17010-18010 from E/# A10-211302
17010-H1001 from 1969 November > 17010-18010
17010-H1002 from 1970 April <> 17010-H1002
B110 USA
* 17010-H1904 ASSY-PUMP FUEL
B110 JDM
* 17010-H1003 PUMP ASS'Y-fuel
* 17010-H1004 PUMP ASS'Y-fuel (ISO ネジ) (from '71-10)
* 17010-H2302 PUMP ASS'Y-fuel GX
* 17010-H2303 PUMP ASS'Y-fuel (ISO ネジ)  (from '71-11) GX
** ISO ネジ = ISO screw

B210 introduced the A Engine Redesign, pump rod may be different from previous years.

B210 USA with A13 (1974 model year, to 0873)
  Superceded 17010-H6225 ASSY-FUEL PUMP WITH GASKET
* 17010-H6200 ASSY-FUEL PUMP -0873
* 17010-H6201 ASSY-FUEL PUMP 0973-
* 17010-H6202 ASSY-FUEL PUMP 
B210 USA with A14 engine (from 0974)
* 17010-H7201 ASSY-FUEL PUMP 0974-0776
* 17010-H7261 ASSY-FUEL PUMP 0876-1276 [new lower body]
* 17010-H7262 ASSY-FUEL PUMP 0177-1276
B210 JDM early
* 17010-H5000 PUMP ASSY-fuel (?成部品未記?) A12S
* 17010-H5010 PUMP ASSY-fuel A12S
* 17010-H5001 PUMP ASSY-fuel (from '73-8) [top disc: central bolt + four screws
* 17010-H5701 PUMP ASSY-fuel (from '73-10)
B210 JDM A12T
* 17010-H5700 PUMP ASSY-fuel A12T
* 17010-H5701 PUMP ASSY-fuel (from '73-10) A12T
B210 JDM late
* 17010-H5026 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A12 VAN [3-bolt top disc]
* 17010-H7226 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A12S, V A14S, K [central bolt top-disc]
B120 JDM
* 17010-H2025 PUMP ASSY-FUEL 7510-7612
* 17010-H2026 PUMP ASSY-FUEL 7701-8503
* 17010-G1925 PUMP ASSY-FUEL 8504-8910
* 17010-G3426 PUMP ASSY-FUEL 8910-
B310 JDM
* 17010-H7226 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A12S, A14S S, K+AT -8010
* 17010-G3425 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A13S, A15S 8011-
* 17010-H5026 PUMP ASSY-FUEL V
B310 JDM Electric Pump (EFI)
* 17011-Y8000 A14E -8010 
* 17011-N4205 A15E 8011-
  Replaced by 17011-P7211 $286.12 USD 82-85 Datsun 280ZX
B310 USA 
* 17010-H7285 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A12A/A14/A15 -0780
* 17010-H7286 PUMP ASSY-FUEL A12A/A14/A15 0880-


* Beck/Arnley 039-2002 

A-series/R16 Roadster/U20/L-series/J-series/Z-series



Beck/Arnley 039-2008 
1978-1987 Chrysler/Mitsubishi 2.6
1976-1985 Mazda 808/GLC
1983-1989 Mitsubishi 2.6
Nissan A/L/J/Z/U/R
Toyota 1971-1990, various models

A10 Fuel Pump

A10 fuel pump has one central screw fastening the stamped-steel disc-top -- same as early A12
19108.jpgAlbum 19108

  • Early A10 pump (type 180) has press-in fuel fittings (while A12 uses screw-in fittings). Otherwise the same with identical pressure and valves
  • Later A10 is the same as early A12 (type H10)

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174_5cfdb40b8ae6c.jpgPost 491644 174_5cfdb4144eb0f.jpgPost click for topic174_5cfdb41baa88b.jpgPost click for topic 
