Cable attaches Speedometer to the driven gear at the rear housing of the transmission.
The cable for manual transmission and Automatic are the same. $7.76
Nissan Part Numbers
B10 25058-89914 ASS'Y-SHAFT, flexible speedometer B10 M/T 25058-89915 ASS'Y-SHAFT, flexible speedometer B10 Automatic
B110 25050 SHAFT ASSY-FLEXIBLE, SPEEDOMETER JAPAN * 25050-H1000 L=1500 <> 25050-H1001 * 25050-H1001 L=1400mm -8107 * 25050-G1600 8108-8910 > 25050-H1001 * 25050-95W00 8910- USA - manual or automatic * 25050-H1601 ASSY-SHAFT FLEXIBLE L=1700 * 25050-H1602 ASSY-SHAFT FLEXIBLE 0670- <> 25050-H1601
B210 25050-H5000 ASS'Y-SHAFT, flexible speedometer Length=1700 A12 * B5050-Y8101 supercedes 25050-H5000 $51.22 25050-H5900 ASS'Y-SHAFT, flexible speedometer Length=1650 w/Master Vac NLA 25050-H7403 ASS'Y-SHAFT, flexible speedometer w/63-series trans 25050-H7410 ASS'Y-SHAFT, flexible speedometer A14 automatic 25050-H7411 ASS'Y-SHAFT, flexible speedometer A12 late
Cable Breaks
The speedometer cable usually lasts forever. There are two common reasons why it will break:
- Mechanical kink or breakage, for example if you drive over a tree branch and it pulls the cable
- Bad or missing engine ground wire.
Additional reasons * Lack of grease * Break in cable allows water which freezes in winter
I think you'll find this is caused by poor/dirty ground strap from the engine to the body inside the engine bay.It only takes once, and the cable it screwed, as it melts the nice polyethylene coating on the inside.
See how the cable's protective plastic appear worn..I'd say it melted during starter crank. Then when the cable gets some speed up, the plastic grabs and the cable snaps.