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[Datsun 1200 encyclopedia]

Come To Sunny Side advertisements

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<-- back to Come To Sunny Side

174_5d094d7e069b4.jpg#BestEconomy 174_5d0953d6115e9.jpg#SGL 29727.jpg#Top Spot in Fuel Economy 29728.jpg#Quiet Sunny 29729.jpg#Come Over Here 174_677f03b4c3dc0.jpg#EPA Number 1


Best Fuel Economy

燃費いちばんさすがサニー The Sunny has the best fuel economy.

174_5d094d7e069b4.jpgPost 491736

EPA燃費3年連続第1位 No. 1 in EPA fuel economy for three consecutive years

Come To Sunny Side
Your Friend あなたの味方
Sunny Fuel Economy 燃費のサニー
  • 1980 JDM GX with California license plate
  • could it be sailboats on San Francisco bay?

EPA Number 1

No. 1 in EPA fuel economy for three consecutive years
174_677f03b4c3dc0.jpgPost 498706
Advertising tagline: Aiming tomorrow for people and cars (harmony)
Aiming for the future of people and cars
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

We did it!
Fuel-efficient Sunny!


US Environmental Protection Agency
Fuel economy test

EPA燃費 3年連続第1位
No. 1 in EPA fuel economy for three consecutive years

(78/79/80年型全ガソリン車) (All 78/79/80 gasoline vehicles)

(Sunny US name) Datsun 210

市街地燃費37 mpg (マイル/ガロン)

ハイウェイ燃費51 mpg(マイル/ガロン)

複合燃費 42 mpg(マイル/カロン)
Japan Class-A car

CITY fuel economy: 37 mpg (miles/gallon)

HIGHWAY fuel economy: 47 mpg (miles/gallon)

COMBINED fuel economy: 41 mpg (miles/gallon)

10-mode fuel economy
●60km/h定地走行テスト値24.0km/l(1200cc 5速)
●60km/h constant speed test value 24.0km/l (1200cc 5-speed)
●10 mode fuel consumption 15.5km/l (1200cc Ministry of Transport inspection value)

CALIFORNIA blue-plate license plate '1505653'

B310 SGL with Shock absorbing bumpers
Sunny 4-door sedan 1400SGL
(Shock absorbing bumper is factory-ordered)

すっかり新型 齢ととサー A completely new age

174_677f03f42f278.jpgPost 498706

B310 1400 SGL

ほら、なんている。 Come to Sunny Side! Look, there it is. Come to the Sunny Side!

174_5d0953d6115e9.jpgPost click for topic
サニー4ドアセダン 1400SGL(衝撃吸収パンバーは工場注文装備) Sunny 4-door sedan 1400SGL (shock absorbing bumper is factory-ordered equipment)

燃費いちばんさすがサニー The Sunny has the best fuel economy.

EPA燃費3年連続第1位 No. 1 in EPA fuel economy for three consecutive years

時代が変かよしば価値観も変わります、クルマだって じこと。後はいま実のある賞へ、確かな合理精神へ。 そんなグローバルな期待に応えたサニー(輸出仕様車・ダットサン210), EPA燃費テストの結果、ガソリン 車の中で3年連続第1位にランクされた。その事実、しかも市街地・ハイウェイ・複合の3部門ともトップと いう、その快分。「安全性」「操作性」「機敏性」などの走りのクォリティ「経済性」の見事な声とで定評の あるサニーの、まさに面目躍如というところ。装備も楽祭、気分も快晴。あなたも、さあ、カム・トゥ・サニー・サイド
Times change, and so do values, cars. Now, on to a meaningful award, a solid rational spirit. The Sunny (export model, Datsun 210) has responded to such global expectations, ranking first among gasoline-powered vehicles for three consecutive years in the EPA fuel economy test results. This fact, and the fact that it is top in three categories, city, highway, and combined, is a pleasure. The Sunny, which has a reputation for its driving quality such as "safety," "operability," and "agility," as well as its excellent "economy," is truly living up to its reputation. The equipment is fun, and the mood is clear. Come to the Sunny side, too.

Come To Sunny Side
あなたの味方 燃費のサニー
Come to Sunny Side
Your ally, the fuel-efficient Sunny

テーマ・フリー( 8月31日
●写真表会にタイトル、応募者の住所・氏名・年 電話番号及び撮影した場所、年月日を明記してください。
<応募方法>おいしたセールスマンに 近 サニー販売会社「サニーフォトコンテスト」に持ち、
Take a photo and send it to us, a snapshot of your heart!
Sunny Photo Contest
Theme: Free (August 31st)
<Application Guidelines>
* Any size is acceptable, regardless of color or date.
* Please state the title, the applicant's address, name, year and phone number, and the location and date of the photo on the photo sheet.
<How to Apply> Bring your photo to the "Sunny Photo Contest" at your nearest Sunny sales company.

〒10191 東京-京橋郵便仁表箱的号
<審査員》人节省 ●沼田早前はらたいら. 春之助 小野みゆき
<その他>●入賞作品にグルーでは、がらお借りする場合が ります、作品は未発表のものに限ります。
●Forward to Nakakusai, "11 Sunny Photo Contest"
Postal code 10191 Tokyo-Kyobashi Post Office
<Deadline)@Kyoto-Wakamatsu August 31, 1980 (valid for today's stamp)
<Judges> Numata Hayamae Harataira, Harunosuke Ono Miyuki
<Announcement> Announced in the newspaper today, October 1, 1980.
<Other> * Winning works may be borrowed from the group, but works must be unpublished.
* Copyrights of submitted works will be owned by Jidosha Co., Ltd.

<賞品>●大賞 ?? キャノン (NEW FD??FL??)及び賞佳作-30% カスタム・パネル 時(受賞作品をパネル化)及び賞状。 ●サニーちゃん賞 5,000名 サニーフィトア????(ろい表紙の格調高い・フリーアルバム)
<Prizes> ●Grand Prize: Canon (NEW FD??FL??) and Honorable Mention: -30% Custom Panel (a panel made of the winning work) and a certificate. ●Sunny-chan Prize: 5,000 winners Sunny Photo Album (a classy free album with a cool cover)

Advertising tagline: Aiming tomorrow for people and cars (harmony)


Save precious energy by driving in a safe manner.
Aiming for the future of people and cars
Nissan, the technology company
--Safety is created by people and cars--

Top Spot in Fuel Economy

Sunny takes the top spot in fuel economy

The fuel economy is good, so I'm in a good mood.
Driving the Sunny makes me feel good.

29727.jpgAlbum 29727
サニー4ドアセダン1400SGL(衝撃吸収パンバーは工場注文装備) Sunny 4-door sedan 1400SGL (shock absorbing bumper is factory-ordered equipment)

サニー燃費第1位 Sunny takes the top spot in fuel economy

  • from back cover of May 1980 issue of 月刊自家用車 (Monthly Family Car) magazine
  • Cropped photo of #2 with text over the sky

EPA(米国環境保護庁)80年型車 テストの結トダソリン車の中で3年 連続第1位の栄誉に輝いたサニー(米国 名ダットサン 210) しかも、市街地・ハイ ウェイ・複合の3部門の燃費とも見事 トップを占めるなど、その経済性は世界中の注目を集めています。加えて、新造 形スラントノーズタイプのフロントグリル、 精悍な角型2灯ヘッドライト、視認性のよ い新インストルメントパネル、快適な静粛 性などの魅力のかずかず、80年代のトップ を切一に、新型サニー、晴ればれ独走中。 The Sunny (Datsun 210 in the US) has been awarded the top spot for three consecutive years among all 1980 model year vehicles in the EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) test results. Moreover, its economy has attracted attention from around the world, as it topped the fuel economy rankings in the three categories of city, highway, and combined. In addition, the new Sunny is leading the way as the top car of the 1980s, with a host of attractive features including a newly designed slant-nose front grille, bold two-lamp square headlights, a new instrument panel with good visibility, and comfortable quietness.

Completely new model
Quiet Sunny

[small image: "It's all good" finger gesture] Come To Sunny Side

こっちへ おいでよ。
Come To Sunny Side
Come over here.
Come To Sunny Side

●10モード燃費--1200ccで15.5km/L - 1400ccで14.5km/(運輸省審査値) ●60km/h定地走行也口1200cc(5F)24.0km/L-1400cm (5F)23/L

10 mode fuel economy -- 1200cc 15.5km/L - 1400cc 14.5km/L (Ministry of Transport approved value) ●60km/h constant speed driving 1200cc (5F) 24.0km/L - 1400cc (5F) 23/L

雑誌05227-5 Magazine 05227-5 [Monthly Family Car issue month 5]

Quiet Sunny

From back cover of MOTOR FAN magazine APRIL '80 VOL. 34 NO. 4

Advertising tagline: Aiming tomorrow for people and cars (harmony)

29728.jpgAlbum 29728
こっちへ おいでよ。
Come To Sunny Side
Come over here.
Come To Sunny Side

風を切って走る新造形スラントノーズタイプ のフロントグリル、精悍な角型2灯ヘッド ライト、視認性がよく開放感を生む新 インストルメントパネルの採用など、スタイ リングも室内も大きく変わった新型サニー。

機敏な足まわり、いちだんと向上した 快適な静粛性、時代に応えたうれしい 経済性など、'80年代のファミリーカーの 主流となるかずかずの魅力をフル装備 して、いま新型サニー、晴ればれ快走中。
The new Sunny has undergone major changes in both styling and interior, with a new slant-nose front grille that slices through the wind, bold two-lamp square headlights, and a new instrument panel that improves visibility and creates a sense of openness.

Fully equipped with all the charms that made it mainstream in family cars in the 1980s, such as agile suspension, improved comfortable quietness, and great economy that meets the needs of the times, the new Sunny is now running bright and smooth.

Completely new model
Quiet Sunny

機敏で快適、ごきげんさ。サニーに乗れば気分快晴。 Agile, comfortable and fun. The Sunny puts you in a good mood.

[small image: "It's all good" finger gesture] Come To Sunny Side

雑誌05227-4 Magazine 08705-4 [MOTOR FAN issue month 4]

  • Larger photo of #1

Come Over Here

こっちへ おいでよ。 Come over here.

29729.jpgAlbum 29729
Come To Sunny Side

あざやかな造形美は光のように、軽快な 走りは風のように。気品あるスラントノー ズタイプのフロントグリル、精悍な角型2灯 ヘッドライトの採用をはじめ、サイドビュー もりプも、美しくシンプルにスタイリング一新。

視認性のよい新インストルメントパネルなど 内装もさらに充実。快適な静粛性と低燃 ひで愛されているサニーが80年代のファ ミリーカーの主流と呼ぶにふさわしい魅 力をフル装備して、晴ればれ新登場です。
The brilliant beauty of its form is like light, and its light running is like the wind. The elegant slant-nose front grille, bold two-bulb square headlights, and the side view are all newly designed with a beautiful and simple look.

The interior has also been further improved with a new instrument panel that offers good visibility. The Sunny, beloved for its comfortable quietness and low fuel consumption, is now back with a full lineup of appeal worthy of being called the mainstream family car of the 1980s.

Completely new model
Quiet Sunny

スタイリングも、室内も、大きく変わって新登場 New model with major changes in styling and interior

[small image: "It's all good" finger gesture] Come To Sunny Side

Advertising tagline: Aiming tomorrow for people and cars (harmony)  
