A12T engine was used in the 1973-1975 B210 with Hitachi Twin Carbs.
Idle Mixture System
1 16090-H5700 TUBE-idle speed adjusting screw 2 16095-H5700 HOSE-idle speed adjusting screw 3 16439-A0601 CLAMP (2) 4 16096-H5700 HOSE-idle spped adjusting screw (2) 5 16439-A0600 CLAMP (4) 6 16088-H5702 HOSE-idle mixture adjusting screw 7 16089-H5700 HOSE-idle mixture adjusting screw 8 27688-65000 CLAMP-hose (4) 9 16091-N3301 SCREW ASS'Y-idle speed adjusting 10 16174-H2300 INSULATOR-carburetor (2) 11 14330-H2303 PLATE-heat shield 12 16175-A5100 GASKET-insulator, carburetor (2) 13 16361-H5702 SHAFT ASS'Y-throttle (from '73-9) * replaced 16361-H5701 SHAFT ASS'Y-throttle 14 16376-H2300 BRACKET-accel cable 15 16572-H5700 BRACKET-with dash pot
Vent Hose System
16 16951-H5700 VALVE ASS'Y-runon solenoid 17 16088-H5703 HOSE-ims 18 16955-H5712 TUBE-vacuum 19 16955-H5701 TUBE-inner vent 20 16955-H5700 TUBE-inner vent (180l) 21 14913-A5500 TUBE-inner vent (150l) * 刖:?さ5mの?物部品(P/#A1499-A5500)を??してご?用下さい。 22 14912-A5502 TUBE-inner vent (255l) 23 16439-A0602 CLAMP-tube (4) 24 16439-A0601 CLAMP-tube (4) 25 16439-N2101 CLAMP-tube 26 24220-89992 CLIP-cable (3) 27 01552-00221 CLIP-cable 28 08460-53012 BOLT (2) 29 08915-43500 WASHER-plain (2) 30 14960-H5700 CONNECTOR-3 way