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Love Green

From Datsun 1200 Club

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1972 July 15-October 15th. Arbor Day every day.

Drive a Datsun. Plant a tree.


Nissan Green Campaign to promote national tree planting movement January 1 to March 31, 1973

Posters from the Nissan Green Campaign
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Love Green icon

Datsun Sunny 1200 GX5 advertisement with the 'Love Green' icon

Plant a Tree

Poster from the Nissan Green Campaign

Web Search:日産木を植えようあなたの名前で みんなの森に

あなたの名前で みんなの森に。
Let's plant a tree.
In your name, in a forest for everyone.

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日産グリーンキャンペーン 1/1~3/31 Nissan Green Campaign 11-3/31


豊かで美しい緑にめぐまれた私たちの国。緑を愛し、はぐくんできた私たちの伝統。この大切な宝を、新しい時代にも受けついていきましょう。私たち一人ひとりの手で、緑の輪を、庭から町へ、さらにみんなの森へ大きく広げましょう。日産自動車もグリーンキャンペーンをとおして、お手伝いいたします。 Our country is blessed with abundant and beautiful greenery. We have loved greenery and have nurtured it. Let us continue this precious treasure into the new era. With each of our hands, let us spread the circle of greenery from our gardens to our towns and further to our forests. Nissan Motors will also help us through the Green Campaign.

みんなの森に木を植えよう Let's plant trees in everyone's forests

日産自動車は、期間中に日産のクルマをお求めいただいた方のお名前で、国土緑化推進委員会に緑化資金を寄贈、各県の緑化推進委員会のご協力を得て郷土の緑化に役立たせていただきます。このための資金は 1白ごとの利益のなかから積み立てます。総額は1億5,000万円ほどに達すると予想されますが、みなさまのご協力で、全国の「県民の森」「市民の森」や「自然休養林」など、みなさまのいこいの森に一本でも多くの木を植えたいと願っています。 Nissan Motors will donate greening funds to the National Land Greening Promotion Committee in the name of anyone who purchases a Nissan car during this period, and with the cooperation of each prefecture's greening promotion committee, the funds will be used to green their hometowns. The funds for this purpose will be saved from the profits of each purchase. The total amount is expected to reach about 150 million yen, and with your cooperation, we hope to plant as many trees as possible in your own forests, such as "prefectural forests," "citizen forests," and "natural recreation forests" across the country.

あなたの町に木を植えよう Plant a tree in your town

日産の販売店て、点検·整備をお受けになるか、中古車をお求めになってください。その方のお名前で各地の緑化推進団体等に、その地域の緑化資金を寄贈させていただきます。総額は5,000万円ほどと予想されますが、みなさまのご参加で、あなたの町の学校、公園、街路などに、さらに多くの緑を、を願っています。 Please visit a Nissan dealer for an inspection and maintenance, or purchase a used car. In your name, we will donate the greening funds to local greening organizations. The total amount is expected to be about 50 million yen, but with your participation, we hope to bring even more greenery to schools, parks, streets, etc. in your town.

あなたの庭に木を植えよう Plant a tree in your garden

期間中に日産のクルマをお求めいただいた方には、サクラ、つつじなどの苗木のかから、風土に適したものを、さしあげます。 If you purchase a Nissan car during the campaign period, you will receive a cherry blossom, azalea or other sapling suitable for the local climate.

このキャンペーンはご参加いたいいた方にラブグリーンのカースナッカーセさしあげます。 Anyone who participates in this campaign will receive a set of Love Green Car Snacks.

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
Nissan Prince Motor Sales Co., Ltd.
Nissan Motor Dealer Association
Nissan Sunny Dealer Association
Nissan Cherry Dealer Association
Nissan Prince Dealer Association

Love Green

Poster from the Nissan Green Campaign

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日産グリーンキャンペーン·1/1-3/31 [昭和48年]
Nissan Green Campaign 1/1-3/31 [1973]
Plant a tree. In your name, in everyone's forest.

Nissan News


No. 335 December 20, 1972 pages 139-140


Tokyo--Nissan Motor Company has announced that the company will conduct a three-month "Nissan Green Campaign" from the beginning of next year as part of its participation in the mounting national movement toward restoring greenery and creating a better living environment.

The campaign is a massive tree-planting movement that will provide an estimated total of ¥260 million in direct monetary contributions. It will be supported by diverse promotional activities by various media.

In the conduct of the campaign Nissan will marshal the full strength of its nationwide marketing muscle, enlisting the help of all its sales subsidiaries all major retail organizations.

Main contents of the Nissan Green Campaign are as follows:

(1) A part of the profit on every new car sale made between January 1 and March 31 will be put into a "greenery fund", with the accumulated saving (estimated total: ¥150 million) to be donated to the National Greenery Promotion Committee at the end of the campaign.

(2) Every new car buyer during this period will be presented with saplings or plants at an estimated cost of ¥60 million.

(3) All participating Nissan dealers will set aside a portion of their profits on used car sales and paid maintenance repair toward individual greenery funds and donate them to their local prefectural greenery promotion committees at the end of the campaign (an estimated total contribution: ¥50 million).

(4) "Let's-plant-trees" stickers will be distributed to all new car buyers, used car buyers and buyers of maintenance repair services during the campaign period. Main organizations participating in the Nissan Green Campaign are: Nissan Motor Co., Nissan Prince Motor Sales Co., Nissan Auto Dealers Association, Nissan Sunny Dealers Association, Nissan Cherry Dealers Association, and Nissan Prince Dealers Association.

Nissan Bldg., Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
For further information please call:
Standard Advertising, Inc. Tel. 404-9211
Akasaka, Int'l. Bldg. 10 - 16, 8 - Chome,
Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan


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