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[Datsun 1200 encyclopedia]

Sunny Song Book

From Datsun 1200 Club

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Each booklet is a collection of hit songs in sheet music form. It is a collection of Showa nostalgic songs, presented by Sunny-chan and Sunny-girl.

Search: 日産サニーが選んだヒット曲集 (Hit songs selected by Nissan Sunny)

29988.jpg#1976 29974.jpg#1977 29982.jpg#1978



Title: '76 SONG BOOK [Sunny-chan strumming a guitar]
1976 coupe B211
Format:32 page booklet Size:unknown Publication Number:6111T

29988.jpg#Cover 29997.jpg#Back 29998.jpg#TOC 29999.jpg#関口 宏, 西田佐知子 30000.jpg#Quiz

1976 Cover

Sunny '76 Song Book サニーが選んだ'78ヒット曲集 Sunnny's choice 1978 hits

29988.jpgAlbum 29988

1976 Back

金賞:サニー1400クーペGX Gold Award: Sunny 1400 Coupe GX

29997.jpgAlbum 29997


テーマ:「道」「サニーと道」「走りなれた道」「想い出の道」「家族とドライプに出かけた道」「ふと見つけた表情豊かな道」「歴史や文化を秘めた道」‥‥‥「道」にまつわる写真なら、どんなもの でもご応募いただけます。



〒103-9| 東京・日本橋局私書箱292号
締切り:昭和52年 1月20日(当日消印有効)





スナップコース/関口·西田賞:フジカシングル8 サウンドと映写機‥‥‥15名




Send in your best and most satisfying work
Sunny Photo Contest "Road"

Theme: "Road", "Sunny and the Road", "Familiar Roads", "Roads of Memories", "Roads you went on a drive with your family", "Expressive roads you discovered", "Roads with hidden history and culture"... Any photos related to "roads" are welcome.

Two courses●Art Course●Snap Course

■Application Guidelines
Art Course/Cabinet size or above, color or black and white, negative attached.
Snap Course/Service size only, color.
In all cases, please write the location of the photo, your address, name, age, and phone number on the back of the photo.

■Submit to: "Nissan Sunny Photo Contest Secretariat"
P.O. Box 292, Nihonbashi, Tokyo 103-9
Deadline: January 20, 1977 (postmark valid on the day)
Announcement: Late February 1977, in major newspapers nationwide.

Art Course/Gold Award: Sunny 1400 Coupe GX (4-speed)... 1 person
(Special specifications other than the vehicle itself, registration fees, and taxes will be charged separately)
Silver Award: Travel coupon (150,000 yen) and luxury travel bag... 1 person
Bronze Award: Travel coupon (100,000 yen)... 1 person
Honorable Mention (Prefectural Award): Luxury digital watch (Seiko digital chronograph)... 47 people
Snap Course/Sekiguchi and Nishida Award: Fujica Single 8 sound and projector... 15 people
Sunny-chan Award: Sunny-chan stuffed animal... 1,000 people

Art Course/Otake Shoji and Numata Sanae
Snap Course/Sekiguchi Hiroshi and Nishida Sachiko

Other:●Works must be unpublished. ●Please note that submitted photos and negatives will not be returned. ●Copyrights will be owned by Nissan Motors. The photos may be used for posters, etc. ●Please refrain from applying if you are affiliated with Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

日本音楽著作権協会承認番号第515074号 Japan Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers Approval Number No. 515074

Advertising tagline: Aiming tomorrow for people and cars (harmony)


1976 Contents

29998.jpgAlbum 29998

サニーが選んだ’76ヒット曲集 Sunny's '76 Hits

(1)道草 ·· 小椋佳
(2)あなただけを ·· あおい輝彦
(3)あの日にかえりたい ·· 荒井由美
(4)落葉が雪に ·· 布施明
(5)弟よ ·· 内藤やす子
(6)およげたいやきくん ·· 子門真人
(7)俺たちの旅 ·· 中村雅俊
(8)河内のおっさんの唄 ·· ミス花子
(9)北酒場 ·· 五木ひろし
(10)北の宿から ·· 都はるみ
(11)恋のシーソーゲーム ·· アグネスチャン
(12)恋人試験 ·· 松本ちえ子
(13)さざんか ·· 森進一
(14)針葉樹 ·· 野口五郎
(15)センチメンタル ·· 岩崎宏美
(16)泣かないわ ·· 桜田淳子
(17)あなごり雪 ·· イルカー
(18)20才の微熱 ·· ·郷ひろみ
(19)パタパタママ ·· のこいのこ
(20)春一番 ·· キャンディーズ
(21)ぽくの妹に ·· 加山雄三
(22)無緣坂 ·· グレープ
(23)木綿のハンカチーフ ·· 太田裕美
(24)山口さんちのツトム君 ·· 斉藤こず恵
(25)横須賀ストーリー ·· 山口百恵
(26)お嫁に来ないか ·· 新沼謙治
(27)わかって下さい ·· 囚幡晃
(28)めまい ·· 小棕佳

(1) Detours ·· Ogura Kei
(2) Only you ·· Aoi Teruhiko
(3) I want to go back to that day ·· Arai Yumi
(4) Fallen leaves turn to snow ·· Fuse Akira
(5) My little brother ·· Naito Yasuko
(6) Swim like a yaki-kun ·· Shimon Masato
(7) Our journey ·· Nakamura Masatoshi
(8) The song of the old man from Kawachi ·· Miss Hanako
(9) The North Bar ·· Itsuki Hiroshi
(10) From the northern inn ·· Miyako Harumi
(11) Love's seesaw game ·· Agnes Chan
(12) Lover's test ·· Matsumoto Chieko
(13) Camellia ·· Shinichi Mori
(14) Coniferous trees ·· Goro Noguchi
(15) Sentimental ·· Iwasaki Hiromi
(16) I won't cry ·· Sakurada Junko
(17) Conger eel snow ·· Ilcar
(18) Slight fever at 20 ·· Go Hiromi
(19) Patapata Mama ·· Nokoinoko
(20) First wind of spring ·· Candies
(21) To my little sister ·· Kayama Yuzo
(22) Mugenzaka ·· Grape
(23) Cotton handkerchief ·· Ota Hiromi
(24) Tsutomu from the Yamaguchi family ·· Saito Kozue
(25) Yokosuka Story ·· Yamaguchi Momoe
(26) Will you marry me ·· Niinuma Kenji
(27) Please understand ·· Akira Prisoner Hata
(28) Vertigo ·· Yoshika Kozono

Sekiguchi and Nishida

29999.jpgAlbum 29999
関口宏 - 西田佐知子
Hiroshi Sekiguchi - Sachiko Nishida

サニーちゃん: ことし、私たちを夢中にさせた歌、きっとあなたも一度は口ずさんだ歌。’76年にヒットした曲をこの歌集に集めました。あなたが一番好きな歌、とても想い出深い歌はどれですか。クリスマスパーティ、忘年会、新年会とパーティや宴会の多い時期。ぜひこの歌集を楽しくお役立てください。もちろん一人ぼっちで、ギターの弾きがたりもいいものです。

Sunny-chan: Songs that captivated us this year, songs that you have surely hummed at least once. This collection of songs includes hits from 1976. Which song is your favorite, the one that brings back the most memories? It's the season of Christmas parties, year-end parties, and New Year's parties, and there are many parties and banquets. We hope you will enjoy using this collection of songs. Of course, playing the guitar alone is also fun.

1976 Quiz

Win a wonderful prize
Sunny New Year's Quiz

30000.jpgAlbum 30000


■賞品:1等(正解者の中から抽せんで200名さま) …… ポラロイドEE44カメラ

Question: Which song in this collection of 76 hit songs has the theme of "road"? (Hint: It is sung by Ogura Kei.)

■Prizes: 1st prize (200 people will be chosen by lottery from those who answer correctly) ... Polaroid EE44 camera
2nd prize (for all applicants) ... Sunny original poster calendar
■Application deadline: December 31st (postmark valid on the day)
■How to apply: Please fill out the postcard attached at the end of this collection of hit songs and apply.
■Announcement: Mid-January 1977, at Nissan Sunny dealerships.

Challenge the Quiz
1等 200名
200px-Polaroid-EE-44_1-1200x1600.jpgWIKI click for photo
1st Prize 200 people

2等 ご応募の方全員にもれなく
30001.jpgGX-T Calendar 1977
2等 2nd Prize all applicants


Appraisal/Regular Inspection
Gift Coupon

If you have this collection of hit songs and have your car appraised or inspected at a Nissan Sunny dealership during December 1976, you will receive a free Fashion Thermometer. Please be sure to bring this collection of hit songs with you.

search Sunny-chan Fashion Thermometer
30003.jpgAlbum 30003

1 道草

30004.jpgAlbum 30004

2 あなただけを

30005.jpgAlbum 30005

6 およげたいやきくん

30006.jpgAlbum 30006

7 俺たちの旅

30007.jpgAlbum 30007

17 あなごり雪

30008.jpgAlbum 30008


Title: Sunny '77 Song Book [Yellow cover with Sunny-chan]
1977 songs B310
Format:32 page booklet Size:13x18cm Publication Number:unspecified

29974.jpg#cover 29975.jpg#back 29987.jpg#introduction 29976.jpg#TOC 29977.jpg#25 29978.jpg#26 29979.jpg#quiz


Sunny '77 Song Book
29974.jpgAlbum 29974
Sunny's Choice


Advertisement for 1977 B310 "New Sunny"
29975.jpgAlbum 29975

Compare to the brochure


29987.jpgAlbum 29987

Sunny-chan says:
This is a collection of hit songs that have appeared frequently on TV and radio this year. You're sure to find a song that you like. Have fun using this collection of songs, whether it's to perform your favorite song at a year-end party or other party, or to decide on the family grand prize at a home party.


29976.jpgAlbum 29976

サニーが選んだ'77ヒット曲集 Sunny's Selection of 1977 Hit Songs





(1) Over Your Shoulder, Kei Ogura
(2) Seishun Jidai,Morita Ko and Top Gallant
(3) Musashino Shijin,Goro Noguchi
(4) Less Than Happiness, Ota Hiromi
(#5) Feelings, Hi-Fi Set
(#6) Broken Heart Restaurant, Shimizu Kentaro
(#7) The Scent of Cyclamen, Akira Fuse
(#8) Star Sand, Rumiko Koyanagi
(#9) Azusa 2, Karyudo
(10) Yasashii Akuma, Candies
(11) Before the Village Festival, Kenji Niinuma
(12) Imitation Gold, Momoe Yamaguchi
(13) Glasszaka, Mizue Takada
(14) Nagisa no Sinbad, Pink Lady
(#15) Tsugaru Straits/Winter Scenery, Ishikawa Sayuri
(#16) Do it Yourself, Sawada Kenji
(17) Sheltering from the Rain, Sada Masashi
(18) Appearing under my old name, Kobayashi Akira
(19) To You, Frank Nagai
(#20) Space Battleship Yamato, Sasaki Isao
(#21) Running Youth, Beauty Bear
(22) HI-HI-HI, Aoi Teruhiko
(23) Memory of Love, Matsuzaki Shigeru
(24) Autumn Cherry Blossoms, Yamaguchi Momoe
(#25) Cosmos Highway, Hunter
(#26) Un Deux Trois, Cantes
(27) Cawonted, Pink Lady
(28) September Rain, Ota Hiromi

5 フィーリング

29989.jpgAlbum 29989

6 失恋レストラン

29990.jpgAlbum 29990

7 シクラメンのかほり

29991.jpgAlbum 29991

8 星の砂

29992.jpgAlbum 29992

9 あずさ2号 Asuza No. 2

狩 人
竜真知子 作詞 · 都倉俊一 作曲
Azusa No. 2
Lyrics by Ryu Machiko, Music by Tokura Shunichi
 V I D E O  あずさ2号 (click to view)


明日 私は旅に出ます
いつか あなたと行くはずだった
春まだ浅い 信濃路へ
行く先々で 想い出すのは
そのさびしさが きっと私を
さよならは いつまでたっても
私にとって あなたは今も
8時ちょうどの あずさ2号で
私は 私は あなたから旅立ちます
都会のすみで あなたを待って
さよならは いつまでたっても
こんなかたちで 終わることしか
私は 私は あなたから旅立ちます


Tomorrow I'm going on a journey
With someone you don't know
I was supposed to go with you someday
To the Shinano road where spring is still young
I know that wherever I go, I remember you
I want to believe that this loneliness will surely change me
No matter how much time passes, I can't say goodbye
To me, you are still a dazzling youth
At exactly 8 o'clock on the Azusa No. 2
I, I, will leave you
Waiting for you in the corner of the city
I've been left behind by the season
I wonder if the impatience in those feelings is what invites me to a journey
No matter how much time passes, I can't say goodbye
Please forgive me for the only way this can end
At exactly 8 o'clock on the Azusa No. 2
I, I, will leave you

15 津軽海峡·冬景色

29993.jpgAlbum 29993

16 勝手にしやがれ

29994.jpgAlbum 29994

20 宇宙戦艦ヤマト

Page 21

29995.jpgAlbum 29995

21 かけめぐる青春

Page 22

29996.jpgAlbum 29996

25 狩人 Cosmos Kaido

Page 27
29977.jpgAlbum 29977

電真知子 作码 · 都食俊一 作曲

Cosmos Kaido
Written by Den Machiko - composed by Toshoku Shunichi

 V I D E O  コスモス街道 (click to view)

26 アン·ドゥ·トロワ Un Deux Trois

Page 28
29978.jpgAlbum 29978

嘉多張忠 作詞· 吉田拓郎 作曲

Un Deux Trois
Lyrics by Kata Harutada - Music by Yoshida Takuro

 V I D E O  アン·ドゥ·トロワ (click to view)

Pages 29-37

Sunny Brochure?


サニーお年玉クイズ Sunny's New Year Gift Quiz

29979.jpgAlbum 29979

  • What is the catchphrase of the new Sunny?
    "○○○○ Sunny"
    Tip: Look at the ad on the #back cover.
  • Prize: ステアリング時計 Sunny Steering Wheel Clock, a table clock full of sports feeling
  • 200 people nationwide will be selected by lottery
  • Announcement: Mid-February 1978

29980.jpgAlbum 29980

社団法人 2
Incorporated Association 2
Japan Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers

日本音楽著作権協会承認第526072号 Japan Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers Approval No. 526072


29982.jpg#cover 29985.jpg#back 29986.jpg#5.5 Million

1978 Cover

Sunny '78 Song Book
サニーが選んだ'78ヒット曲集 Sunnny's choice 1978 hits

29982.jpgAlbum 29982
Cumulative production
Sunny 5.5 million units sold

1978 Back

4-door sedan 1400SGL
Spacious Sunny new appearance

29985.jpgAlbum 29985

5.5 million units. The new Sunny was born from tradition.
(Total production of the Sunny series, according to JAMA)


社団法人 6
Incorporated Association 6
Japan Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers

Advertising tagline: Aiming tomorrow for people and cars (harmony)

compare to 1978 brochure:

with dealer stamp:
29983.jpgAlbum 29983
日産サニー札幌販売株式会社 Nissan Sunny Sapporo Sales Co., Ltd.

5.5 Million

Sunny-chan & Sunny-girl
生產累計550万達成 Cumulative production reached 5.5 million

29986.jpgAlbum 29986

誕生以来、世界の道を走りつづけ、生産累計550万台(サニーシリーズ、自工会調べ)を達成したサニーから、’78ヒット曲集が出ました。 あなたのごひいき歌手の曲もきっとあるはずです。まぢかな忘年会や新年会のために持ち歌をふやしたり、ホームパーティで家族紅白歌合戦をするなど、みなさんでお役立てください。

Since its birth, the Sunny has been running on roads around the world, with a cumulative total of 5.5 million units produced (Sunny series, according to JAMA survey), and now they've released a collection of '78 hit songs. You're sure to find a song by your favorite singer. Use it to expand your repertoire of songs for your friendly end-of-year or New Year's party, or to have a family party at home and Red and White Song Battle


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This page has been accessed 305 times. This page was last modified 07:31, 28 January 2025. Content is available under Datsun 1200 Club.