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Nissan Sports Graph No. 20 published 25 August 1972
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1972 Japan Suzuka 300 kilometer Touring Car Race (20 August 1972)ᴳ
Technica Sunny number 15 Wins! driver Hiromi Nishino. Seven of the top ten were Sunny, the other were Toyota Publica, Corona, and Sprinter
Sunny won again after all
with Sunny-chan
鈴鹿300キロ· 出場のサニー·エンジンは、1200ccOHVツインキヤブのノーマルをフルチューンしたものだ。最高出力120PS以上(8000rpm以)。最大トルク11.0kg·m以上(7600rpm)。推定最高速度200km/h以上。パワーもすごいが、吹き上がりのよい高速エンジンのフレキシビリティと絶大な耐久性は、長距離でおわかりだね。おまけに高速コーナーリング性能も抜群だよ。苛酷なレース経験は、サニーをますますきたえあげる路上性能はもとより、疲れを知らぬエンジンは、ホント頼りになるぜ。レース仕様はその頂点。ストリート·バージョンとはちがうが、基本はキミの車と同体だ。母休(べース)がしっかりしているからナ。これは一朝一夕に出来上りっこないぜ。イバラしておくれね。
The Sunny engine used in the Suzuka 300km race is a fully tuned 1200cc OHV twin carburetor standard. Maximum output is over 120PS (over 8000rpm). Maximum torque is over 11.0kg·m (7600rpm). Estimated top speed is over 200km/h. The power is impressive, but the flexibility of the high-speed engine and its great durability can be seen over long distances. In addition, the high-speed cornering performance is also outstanding. The harsh racing experience has further improved the Sunny's road performance, and the tireless engine is really reliable. The race version is the pinnacle. It is different from the street version, but the basics are the same as your car. The base is solid. This is not something that can be completed overnight. Please give it a try.
如昭和47年8月25日発行 日産自動車株式会社 広報部宣伝第四課 東京都品川区南大井2-10-6 TEL03(763)2331(代)
120PS at 8000 RPM
72全日本鈴鹿300キロ・ツーリングカーレース 1972 Japan Suzuka 300 kilo Touring Car Race
スタンド前を独走する優勝車 西野選手
Nishino's winning car runs alone in front of the stands
Work is quick and accurate! The mechanics work hard
[lower photo:] Nishino team having a final meeting with Ka just before the start
[右下の写真:] いいぞこのピット·サインあと2周、75秒リードだゾ
[bottom right photo:] Good pit sign, 2 laps left, 75 seconds lead
Easy win! Sunny Coupe
'72 All Japan Suzuka 300km Touring Car Race
●成績 周回 タイム 優勝 サニークー ぺ 西野弘美 50 2° 08' 52" 9 2位 パ ブ リ カ 見崎清志 50 2°10' 05"4 3位 サニークーペ 浅井恒久 48 2° 09' 05"2 4位 カローラクーペ 金谷光永 48 2° 09' 42 8
● Results Laps Time 1st place Sunny Coupe Nishino Hiromi 50 2° 08' 52" 9 2nd place Publica Misaki Kiyoshi 50 2° 10' 05" 4 3rd place Sunny Coupe Asai Tsunehisa 48 2° 09' 05" 2 4th place Corolla Coupe Kanaya Mitsunaga 48 2° 09' 42" 8
’72年8月20日ツーリングカーのビッグレース、鈴鹿300キロ。 快晴のスズカサーキットのスタンドは満員。Ⅰ部門(1300cc以下)はいよいよサニーの出番だ。予選1、2、3位を占めて、決戦にのぞむサニー·クーペの勇姿。スタートただちにトップを奪い、出足よろし。なにしろ50周、2時間に及ぶ長丁場だ。下手にあせったら、車が持たぬ。
August 20th, 1972, a big touring car race, the Suzuka 300km. The stands at the Suzuka Circuit were packed on a clear day. It was finally the Sunny's turn in Division I (under 1300cc). The Sunny Coupe took first, second and third place in the qualifying rounds, and was ready for the showdown. It took the lead right from the start, and got off to a good start. It was a long race of 50 laps and two hours. If they got too anxious, the car wouldn't last.
But all the Sunnys were in good shape, and their engines were sounding sharp. After the first half of the race, the battle for the lead in the top group was fierce. It was a dead heat. The Sunnys were shaking off the other cars chasing them. Around the 33rd lap, there were no other cars that could keep up with the Sunny, who was leading the race alone. Nishino's Sunny from SCCN Osaka finished 1 minute 15 seconds ahead of the second place driver, and Asai from SCCN Nagoya came in third. This good result by a private team was all thanks to the Sunny and the noisy circuit sparrows. There is no doubt that the Sunny is a great car that has the triple threat of speed, maneuverability, and durability.