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Main : Misc GX dual bolt pattern. [A real one.]

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GX dual bolt pattern. [A real one.]
GX dual bolt pattern. [A real one.]Popular
SubmitterDodgemanMore Photos from Dodgeman   Last Update2004/8/7 13:26    Tell a friendTell a friend
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This is the rear pair of inlet ports on my GX head. It will look very diferent in about a month or so.
This head has never been messed with as i bought it new, in a box, many years ago. In fact, i still have the box.

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/8/7 13:23  Updated: 2004/8/7 13:23
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/6/27
From: Southern Tablelands N.S.W. Australia
Posts: 8287
 Re: GX dual bolt pattern. A real one.
The top / center hole has not been added after manufacture as i can vouch for the life history of this head.
Hmmmmm Veeery interesting.

See the other picture with a similar title.

P.S. I will soon spend more money on this head than the Datsun 1000 it got used on cost when i bought it in Seven Hills back in 1980

Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/8/8 5:14  Updated: 2004/8/8 5:14
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/12/3
From: Christchurch NZ
Posts: 3707
 Re: GX dual bolt pattern. A real one.
What numbers are cast on it if any?
I have what I believe to be a GX head too. It has no numbers on it. It has the larger water ports, underneath the intake ports (larger than the water ports on an A15 head). It also has intake ports which are taller than the oval intake ports on an A14/A15. I bought it off a guy for $20. It didn't come with a manifold. The exhuast valves were smaller than those found in an A14/15 head, so I had the slightly bigger ones fitted.

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Posted: 2004/8/8 8:51  Updated: 2004/8/8 8:51
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/6/27
From: Southern Tablelands N.S.W. Australia
Posts: 8287
 Re: GX dual bolt pattern. A real one.
There are no casting numbers on my head, & it's obvious that i don't have an A14/15 head to compare with.

There are a few points to note that will identify a 1200GX head. The later A12GX head seems to have been based on the same casting, but is not identical.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but this is how i think it goes.

All GX heads have oval ports.

Both of the A12GX heads have 35mm inlets & 29mm exhausts.

The 1200GX head is drilled for the earlier type of rocker oiling. There will me a small silver plug in a horizontal drilling on the spark plug side near the head gasket face, in the middle of the head. [fore & aft]

The later A12 head used the new form of rocker oiling, so it was not necessary to drill the passage, The casting bump is still there, but it should not have the plug.

The 1200GX head at least will have the Aluminium- Bronze valve seats for the inlets. I do not know when these were discontinued, so maybee the later A12 head has them too. [anyone know for sure]