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Main : Mechanical : Engine A14E Engine

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A14E Engine
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SubmitterddgonzalMore Photos from ddgonzal   Last Update2011/1/23 6:20    Tell a friendTell a friend
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A14E -- pointed oval ports & Gold valve cover

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Posted: 2016/10/23 15:09  Updated: 2016/10/23 15:09
Home away from home
Joined: 2002/3/7
From: Little Rock, AR
Posts: 639
 Re: A14E Engine
So was it just a gold valve cover or was the block gold too? I can see the alternator bracket and coolant pipes are still blue...what about the rest?

Poster Thread
Posted: 2016/10/23 21:50  Updated: 2016/10/23 22:36
Joined: 2001/5/3
From: 48 North
Posts: 31665
 Re: A14E Engine
Good question. The block appear to be blue in this brochure photo:

Poster Thread
Posted: 2016/10/23 22:18  Updated: 2016/10/23 22:38
Joined: 2001/5/3
From: 48 North
Posts: 31665
 Re: A14E Engine
I always thought the A14 and A15 EGI motors had the rocker breather outlet at the front of the rocker cover and before that I thought the A14E was at the rear and the A15E was at the front.
You're right:
* A15E has breather at front
* A14E has breather at rear
* Late A14E has breather at front

13264-H9200 COVER ASSY-VALVE ROCKER -7909 [Gold Top]
13264-H9201 COVER ASSY-VALVE ROCKER 7910- [Gold Top]

A14E was made until October 1980
* 1978-1979 A14E rear vent
* 1980 A14E front vent
* 1981 A15E front vent
See A14E introduction blowby hose

Late EGI - front vent

Poster Thread
Posted: 2011/1/24 11:18  Updated: 2011/1/24 11:18
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 1998/12/6
From: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 5806
 Re: A14E Engine
Great photo of a rare engine.
I remember seeing one once at SSS Autos in Girraween (Sydney) in the early 90s when I first did the CA18de transplant.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2011/1/24 11:49  Updated: 2011/1/24 11:49
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/10/28
From: under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
Posts: 10964
 Re: A14E Engine
Ive heard of injected A series avail at jap imports
but never seen one so good for reference

Poster Thread
Posted: 2011/1/24 13:04  Updated: 2011/1/24 13:05
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2007/1/22
From: East New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Posts: 6981
 Re: A14E Engine
I always thought the A14 and A15 EGI motors had the rocker breather outlet at the front of the rocker cover and before that I thought the A14E was at the rear and the A15E was at the front. So now I'm a bit confused.

Nice pic.

Ive heard of injected A series avail at jap imports

Better get on that.

You don't see these everyday.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2011/1/23 22:46  Updated: 2011/1/23 22:47
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/10/28
From: under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
Posts: 10964
 Re: A14E Engine
A14E -- pointed oval ports & Gold valve cover

injection ports for injected engine

Poster Thread
Posted: 2011/1/24 3:52  Updated: 2011/1/24 3:53
Joined: 2001/5/3
From: 48 North
Posts: 31665
 Re: A14E Engine
E is for EGI (EFI)

H92 Head (A14E, A15E)
* 28x32 mm intake ports (medium oval) with notch for injector
* Wet type (has intake manifold water ports)

Here's the intake manifold gasket:

* 14035-H9201 Manifold Gasket