Unfortunately,some of us have to rely with the intimidation factor,while driving my B210 ,many plastic wannabies(mainly honda wimp front wheel drive drivers) drive next to me but refuse to hit the pedal,so my A15 wins battles just with intimidation. I must admit that sometimes,when my scare tactics fail, I resort to a quick exit,$#@*&^%*!!...not for long though,an SR20 DET will move in,my other alternative is...I know some guys do not like rotaries, but a 400HP 20B 3 rotor engine ,I am sure, will make those unbelievers think twice.I do not have a facility here to do this job,so I will ship the car to my brothers house,where he has everything needed for the frankenstein surgery. Not final,but sorting around.
Your hawk will be something else with that V6,I am sure we will see it.