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Main : Members : Lobster Coupe KMH and MPH Speedo

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Coupe KMH and MPH Speedo
Coupe KMH and MPH SpeedoPopular
SubmitterLobsterMore Photos from Lobster   Last Update2003/2/11 4:09    Tell a friendTell a friend
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Well here is the old speedo I had. It doens't work anymore. (Doesn't work even more,now that I have taken it apart). If I drove up to 60K's it would sit on 60K's for around 15 minutes afterwards and then go back to zero. Shat me so I got rid of it.
But anyway, that is the pic. If anyone is a gun at photoshop, perhaps they could tidy it up a bit?
I might put this on another forum and see if anyone bites...

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